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Resources: Facebook Groups: OCR Computing

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2 Resources: Facebook Groups: OCR Computing
Python Camp Resources: Facebook Groups: OCR Computing ICT and Computing Teachers Alan: Mark: (or just search Mark Clarkson)

3 Resources: Facebook Groups: OCR Computing
Python Camp Resources: Facebook Groups: OCR Computing ICT and Computing Teachers Session 7: Planning and Design Erm… Planning Design

4 Success Criteria How will you know if your program is ‘right’?
Does it run without errors? Does it perform the function it was intended to? Is it easy to use? Note: There is no “right” answer. There are usually many possible ways to get the program to work – and the more complex the program the more diverse the potential solutions. A working solution works and is therefore a good one.

5 Success Criteria What inputs does it need? What outputs does it need?
What are the rules for how it should work? Note: There is no “right” answer. There are usually many possible ways to get the program to work – and the more complex the program the more diverse the potential solutions. A working solution works and is therefore a good one.

6 Success Criteria What inputs does it need? What outputs does it need?
What are the rules for how it should work? Extension: Can we validate the inputs? Note: There is no “right” answer. There are usually many possible ways to get the program to work – and the more complex the program the more diverse the potential solutions. A working solution works and is therefore a good one.

7 Agreed success criteria
Essential Prompt for a number / guess Give useful feedback (hi/lo) Random number must be within a given range Allow another guess Compare the numbers Desirable Pseudocode Generate a random number Ask their name Nice if we get chance… ??

8 Planning Tools Flowcharts Pseudocode Structured English
Flowcharts are good for top level planning – but tend to lack finer detail Pseudocode is good for low level planning, but cumbersome for taking the wider view Students find pseudocode challenging – they will most likely prefer to plan in Python While there are some ‘rules’ of pseudocode these are loose and the point is NOT to worry about syntax Structured English is not a great solution but is more accessible for those who struggle to express their planning in other ways







15 Happy (Pharell Williams)
Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

16 Flowcharts

17 Flowcharts Create a flowchart for this program
You could draw it, use a stencil, cut-out shapes and position / then glue them Websites include Lucidchart (links to O365/GAfE), Gantter, lots of installable tools

18 Flowcharts Note – this is ONE solution. It isn’t necessarily the best – a working flowchart is one that you could give to another programmer and they could make the program without having to ask any questions Note – flowcharts always flow down

19 Pseudocode name <- INPUT “What is your name?” PRINT “Hello” + name
IF name = “Alan” THEN PRINT “That’s a cool name” ENDIF Exact syntax isn’t important – it’s a planning tool. It’s meant to be language agnostic – you could then write the program in Java, C, VB, Haskell… The use of an arrow as an assignment operator makes it more obvious Note things like IF … THEN ... END IF Also things like WHILE ... DO ... END WHILE But remember – it’s not about learning another load of syntax. Pseudocode in Python is OK (though it misses the point slightly)

20 Pseudocode Try to turn this into pseudocode

21 Pseudocode PRINT “Welcome to my program” age <- INPUT “How old are you?” guess < – age PRINT “Were you born in” + age + “?” correct <- INPUT IF correct = “y” THEN PRINT “Yay! I guessed right!” ELSE PRINT “Ah, you were born in” + guess – 1 ENDIF Again, just one potential solution. I’ve excluded casting (might not be needed in another language) Some of the prompts aren’t 100% identical, though they are broadly the same

22 Planning a login program
Create: Success criteria A flowchart Pseudocode NO PROGRAMMING ALLOWED!

23 Feedback Forms That was session 6
Change the title to ‘Planning & Design’

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