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Fudge-a-Mania by Judy Blume

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1 Fudge-a-Mania by Judy Blume
Chapters 6-8

2 relief – happiness because something bad did not happen or has finished
He gave a sigh of relief. The big science test has been cancelled.

3 relief– happiness because something bad did not happen or has finished
Phew! What a relief! My homework is not due today. I can turn it in tomorrow. Now I won’t have to walk at recess.

4 hopeless – unlikely to succeed or improve; to not have hope
The man was feeling hopeless. There was no way he could get his girlfriend back now.

5 hopeless – unlikely to succeed or improve; to not have hope
Which one of these people looks hopeless? If a person is full of hope, what word do we use to describe them? hopeful

6 confused – someone who does not understand something
We are a little confused about what we are supposed to be doing.

7 confused – someone who does not understand something
I’m so confused!

8 condemned – to say very strongly that you do not approve of someone or something
The city condemned this house because it is not safe to live in. The house will be torn down.

9 advertised – to put a notice in a newspaper or magazine to try and find someone to do a job or buy something.

10 advertised – to put a notice in a newspaper or magazine to try and find someone to do a job or buy something.

11 shriek – to shout in a high voice because you are frightened, excited, or angry.
“I can’t swim,” she shrieked.

12 shriek – to shout in a high voice because you are frightened, excited, or angry.
What is a synonym for shriek? Hint: A synonym is a word that means the same as. scream

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