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The OECD STRI WTO data days 19 May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The OECD STRI WTO data days 19 May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The OECD STRI WTO data days 19 May 2009

2 Coverage Pilot project sectors: Pilot project countries:
Computer services Construction Professional services Telecommunications Pilot project countries: OECD members

3 Methodology Gather information on services trade restrictiveness:
Regulatory surveys OECD investment restrictiveness database ITU regulatory database RTAs Government websites

4 Methodology (cont.) Transforming qualitative information into numerical scores: Measuring all variables on the same scale: Most regulatory information is binary – scores are binary [0, 1] Ensuring that the index values are comparable across countries and across time: Scores independent of the sample of countries included. Anchored to an absolute level Selection of variables for the index: Statistical analysis aiming at eliminating overlapping and irrelevant variables

5 Methodology (cont) Weighting of indicators:
Expert judgement the basis for weighting types of measures: Consistent with theory/literature Robust to alternatives (equal weights, PCA, within the confidence interval of Monte Carlo simulations on random weights). Equal weights within types/categories of measures

6 Methodology cont. Aggregation Weighted average of types
The individual measures carry their weight times the weight of the heading under which they are found over to different classifications: By GATS mode By market access/national treatment versus domestic regulation By discriminatory/non-discriminatory By restrictions on entry versus restrictions on ongoing operations By subsector when relevant

7 For comparison: Estimate trade costs from trade data:
Trade costs a function of internal trade and external trade Result for total services: STRI correlated with this measure

8 Output Interactive regulatory database on the OECD website
Papers presenting the indicators and documenting the methodology One paper for each sector A technical note Presented at expert meetings 2-3 July Published towards the end of the year on the OECD website.

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