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Lake Intercalibration

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1 Lake Intercalibration
Presented by Sandra Poikane Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability

2 Outline Lake IC results – state of play Updates of accepted results
Expected results Open issues

3 IC results In theory – all Milestones In practice –
June and Oct 2011,,,, Dec 2011 In practice – Arrived 31 Dec 22:00 Still (many) problems - common: Use of calculation sheets Benchmarking – complicated Incomplete reporting, no conclusions Exclusion/ inclusion of methods Final adjustments of methods/ boundaries

4 Solving of problems 17 GIG – 17 list of problems
Feb-March: solving of problems – create new problems In total, 80% solved NOR, CB, ALP, cross-Phytobenthos – no serious issue left Thanks to very efficient communication/ collaboration MED - 1 issue left (discovered yesterday) East Cont - more work needed

5 21 report: current state-of-the-art
Old results: Presented / agreed June Presented / agreed October 2011 – 4 Presented / not agreed 2 New results March 2012 – 6 Only methods in the report - 2 Work will be continued - 4

6 21 reports – current state-of-the-art
Old results: Presented / agreed June Presented / agreed October 2011 – 6 Presented / not agreed 2 New results March 2012 – 6 Only methods in the report Work will be continued - 4

7 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO June 2011 October 2011 MACROPH BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos

8 Accepted IC results – CHANGES 1
CB Phytoplankton: the final change made by NL to bring the LCB1 lakes into the harmonisation band

9 Accepted IC results CHANGES 2
MEDITERRANEAN Phytoplankton: Substantial changes ! Why ? Problems: RO method – relaxed, WFD-compliance FR method – very strict Few ref sites, benchmarking Lakes - small dataset a lot of work, 4 new versions of Milestones

10 Accepted IC results CHANGES 2
MEDITERRANEAN Phytoplankton: Romanian method – excluded French method: strict boundaries are kept (additional analyses) Lake results – not robust enough to be included in the EC Decision Substantial changes ! New Milestone report, new TR

11 Accepted IC results CHANGES 2
MEDITERRANEAN Phytoplankton Problem: FR disagrees with conclusions The IPLAC (FR) appears as stricter than the rest of boundaries but FR should not lower the boundary the ecological characteristics of the FR «good» sites are similar to other «good» sites This is contradiction !

12 Accepted IC results CHANGES 3
Northern Benthic fauna Technical issues: Calculations (use of benchmark standardization) Selection of benchmark sites Results: different boundary adjustments For eutrophication (FI, SE) For acidification (SE, UK, NO)

13 Accepted IC results remaining problems ?
Central Baltic Phytoplankton AND Macrophytes : NO RESPONSE FROM LATVIA AND LITHUANIA Phytoplankton – blank cells Macrophytes – boundaries not confirmed by LV and LT

14 21 reports – current state-of-the-art
Old results: Presented / agreed June Presented / agreed October 2011 – 6 Presented / not agreed - 2 New results March 2012 – 6 Only methods in the report Work will be continued - 4

15 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO MACROPH BENTHIC FISH October 2011 (n.a.) Phyto benthos October 2011 (not agreed)

16 Presented / not agreed IC results
Phytobenthos IC Oct 2011: new and not clear results Now: improved reporting HA : BE, DE, HU, IE, PL, SE, SI, UK MA : BE, IE, SE, UK, LA: UK, IE No major problems Except Method descriptions needed !

17 Phytobenthos: problem
IC– WFD compliant full-BQE methods BQE = Macrophyte + Phytobenthos Macrophyte IC –as a separate BQE: Macrophyte methods Macrophyte metrics (for example, DE) Phytobenthos part usually excluded Phytobenthos IC – disagree Not correct to assess the WFD-compliance for phytobenthos methods on their own ! Usually Phytobenthos metrics= diatom trophic indices (so only composition)

18 Presented / not agreed IC results
Alpine Fish fauna – AT, DE, IT Some problems (eg, validation) A lot of improvements Validation (expert judgment quantified) Detailed description of setting RC Description of high and good status communities Sampling issue clarified

19 Presented / not agreed IC results
Alpine Fish fauna – AT, DE, IT GIG agreement (all MS) that the results are reliable and thus good enough FR and SI - invited to participate FR (method too late), SI (no method) Tech Report – on CIRCA JRC – scientific review committee Still not perfect, but all the possible things are done (Fish BQE – specific)

20 21 reports – current state-of-the-art
Old results: Presented / agreed June Presented / agreed October 2011 – 6 Presented / not agreed - 2 New results March 2012 – 6 Only methods in the report Work will be continued - 4

21 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO MACROPH Only methods BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos

22 “Single” methods Med Macrophytes: ES, IT, FR Med Benthic fauna: ES
Different pressures Different zones Very little data Med Benthic fauna: ES Only 1 method

23 “Single” methods - ca 11 Med Macrophytes: ES, IT, FR
Med Benthic fauna: ES Northern Benthic fauna: SE (eutrophication, littoral) Northern Fish fauna: SE, NO (pressures different) Alpine Benthic fauna: FR, DEsubl, IT (?) Alpine Fish fauna – FR

24 21 reports – current state-of-the-art
Old results: Presented / agreed June Presented / agreed October 2011 – 6 Presented / not agreed - 2 New results March 2012 – 6 Only methods in the report Work will be continued - 4

25 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO March 2012 MACROPH March 2012 BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos

26 New IC results will be presented today
Phytoplankton Eastern Continental – HU, RO Macrophytes: Northern - IE, FI, SE, NO, UK Benthic fauna Alpine – DE, SI Central Baltic –BE, DE, LT, EE, NL, UK Eastern Continental - HU, RO

27 East Cont GIG GIG states that “No reference sites, all lakes are impacted” From data: <50% of sites in “high status” <80% in “high+good” status Alternative benchmark sites used as reference sites HU said that problem is solved !

28 21 reports – current state-of-the-art
Old results: Presented / agreed June Presented / agreed October 2011 – 6 Presented / not agreed - 2 New results March 2012 – 6 Only methods in the report Work will be continued - 4

29 GIG WORK Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean
Northern PHYTO MACROPH work Only methods BENTHIC FISH WORK Phyto benthos

30 Central Baltic Fish Already close to the final results So far led by Germany (David Ritterbusch) Need for a new coordinator

31 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO June 2011 October 2011 March 2012 MACROPH In progress Only methods BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos

32 Thanks you So much !

33 Check for problems (8th March)
Major problems – 4 (1 – not officially submitted) Some issues of concern - 5 Good results - 7

34 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern

35 Fish fauna Only 2 GIGs

36 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO MACROPH BENTHIC FISH October 2011 (n.a.) In progress March 2012 Phyto benthos

37 Northern Fish GIG 4 methods started Good dataset, method validation
Only 2 IC (Ireland and Finland) 2 excluded (pressures) Good dataset, method validation Ref sites, Benchmarking and BS Direct comparison No boundary adjustment

38 Northern Fish GIG High variability of MS EQRs Only 2 methods
still acceptable (R>0.5, avg cld < 1) No common communities desription Biogeograohical differences Only 2 methods Statistical boundary setting SE and NO methods No IC due to different pressures Inclusion in the Decision?

39 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO MACROPH BENTHIC FISH October 2011 (n.a.) In progress March 2012 Phyto benthos

40 Alpine Fish fauna Presented ECOSTAT October, not accepted yet
3 countries – AT, IT and DE Option 3 + pseudoCM All 3 methods are comparable (good correlation between national EQRs) the IC results formally correspond to the compliance criteria : boundary bias < 0.25 class agreement < 1

41 Alpine Fish fauna Small dataset: 15 lakes, only 2 countries (no DE)
No pressure-response relationships (expert judgment) Pressure gradients are not given Methods based on equal distance boundary setting No reference or benchmark sites, no benchmarking BS not done - considered not necessary So there are no any demonstration that RC setting is done in a comparable way  between Member States. Biogeographical differences are not accounted for

42 Alpine Fish fauna GIG argues that benchmarking is done:
Methods - lake-specific RC, based on historical data Lake-specific RC defined also for 15 IC lakes Argument: Benchmark is historical species composition for each lake, and all 3 methods were tested on a set of 15 lakes.  

43 National methods Intercalibration Lake-specific RC
established for each lake in common dataset German actual assessment  Austrian actual assessment Italian actual assessment DE EQR AT EQR IT EQR

44 In defense of ALP Fish Very dedicated: a lot of work !
All what is possible is done New explanations came today ,,, GIG argues that Fish is specific and the common rules cannot be applied Pressure-response Reference conditions FISH EXPERT ADVICE NEEDED !

45 Benthic fauna All 5 GIGs

46 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO MACROPH BENTHIC March 2012 Only methods June 2011 FISH Phyto benthos

47 Alpine Benthic fauna 5 methods submitted
IC is feasible also for DEeut-SI Option 2 + ICM Continous benchmarking Results acceptable: Good correlation EQRs-PCM Boundary bias was <0.25 class equivalent

48 Alpine Benthic fauna Italian method –
IT method – WFD compliancy questionable. A formal request to have STG opinion has been done

49 CB Benthic fauna 6 countries, Option 2 + ICM
Continuous benchmarking applied to ICM The R for  LT and UK is >0.5 (but explained)

50 CB Benthic fauna General problem Comparability criteria:
Very high bias for BE (> 1 class HG & GM) Also high biases for other methods Adjustments not clear (asked to provide) Provided: BE method will adjust their RC General problem different understandings of RC between the Member States: BE vs EE Methodological issue: No ref sites, no benchmark sites Continuous benchmarking



53 CB Benthic fauna Very high boundary differences
class difference (±0.25) What is the reason ? Only BE adjusted Is WFD compliance / feasibility done properly ? Geographical difference Does it make sense ?

54 MED Benthic fauna Just one method – Spain
Good description of RC setting and RC communities (partly based on ref sites, partly on expert judgment) No method validation (salinity, hydrology, inorganic turbidity) Equidistant boundary setting No description of good status communities  

55 EC Benthic fauna 2 methods HU vs RO Good progress achieved:
Dataset - 41 lake Methods developed Direct comparison via regression Methods and boundaries comparable BOUNDARY BIAS < 0.25 CLASS AVG ABS CLASS AGREEMENT < 1

56 EC BF : HU EQRs vs RO EQRs

57 3 clusters of problems Method development Comparison of assessments:
Pressure-response RC and boundaries Comparison of assessments: benchmarking

58 EC BF : WFD compliance No clear conclusions
Metrics - Hungarian method does not include abundance Reference condition setting - contradictory / unclear information how RC (eg least disturbed sites is not reliable method for RC setting) Boundary setting – division of gradient

59 EC BF : Pressure response
Overall – preliminary analysis provided !

60 ROLN10 taxoni new_tax families moluscs SW_index func_grp_index Phosphrous P_po4 n_nh4 N_no2 N_no3 permanganat cco_cr Alkalinity ph Benefit STD vs normal 1 0.77 0.95 (0.39) 0.79 0.02 0.39 (0.06) 0.37 0.63 (0.41) 0.23 0.56 0.17 0.73 (0.38) 0.69 0.22 0.49 (0.05) 0.13 0.51 (0.54) (0.52) (0.10) 0.32 (0.47) 0.72 (0.00) 0.36 (0.01) 0.28 0.52 (0.31) (0.34) 0.21 0.07 (0.04) (0.29) (0.14) (0.27) (0.03) (0.26) (0.28) 0.15 0.10 0.26 0.62 (0.53) (0.46) 0.12 0.47 0.01 0.71 0.24 0.42 (0.50) (0.45) (0.13) 0.30 (0.59) (0.71) (0.20) 0.54 (0.22) 0.08 (0.30) 0.38 0.43 (0.36) 0.05 0.35 0.33 (0.73) (0.78) (0.21) 0.66 (0.11) 0.91 0.48 0.55 (0.49) 0.20 (0.08) (0.09)

61 EC BF : Pressure response
Relationships not for all metrics and not for the total EQR (RO) Some contradictory relationships Number of families (HU) decrease along pressure gradient (HG -24, GM-18, MP-10) significant positive correlation with N-NH4 and N-NO3 Relationships with pH and alkalinity (need more info to interprete) Overall – preliminary analysis provided !

62 EC BF – benchmarking all lakes are anthropogenic impacted, so benchmark sites used benchmark sites not compared betw MS benchmark standardization not done\ biogeographical differences not discussed difficult with so low number of benchmark sites Should be clarified where benchmark sites are located on the pressure gradient 29 % of sites are in high status (RO)


64 Ca 29% Ca 17% HU EQR RO EQR

65 ca 76 % HU EQR RO EQR

66 No Families: benchmarks vs impacted sites
In RO classification H status 4-10

67 EC GIG Problems with all BQEs Fundamental lack of understanding:
Lake RC and good status ? What pressures ? What biological changes occur ?

68 Northern BF Acidification – NO, SE, UK Option 3 with PCM
Good dataset, ref sites, 2 subtypes, BS Acceptable results

69 Northern BF Eutrophication – FI and SE Option 3 - direct comparison
BS only for FI Boundary adjustments needed Finland - G/M boundary from EQR=0.6 to EQR=0.627. Sweden - G/M boundary from EQR=0.7 to EQR=0.679. Sweden - H/G boundary from EQR=0.9 to EQR=0.851.

70 Northern BF – no major issues
Method compliance – diversity and abundance not included (explained) Acidification: SE low R with PCM (R 0,42 < 0,5) SE and UK methods are not related (R2 0.07) Eutrophication Only 2 methods, equal boundary setting boundary adjustments

71 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO MACROPH October 2011 not accepted Only methods March 2012 BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos


73 Alpine - Macrophytes 5 countries
Pressures: eutrophication (sign relationships) Ref sites all countries, except IT Option 3a + PCM FR: adjustment of the G/M boundary Questions: Benchmark standardization (not necessary, evidence to be provided) Description of good/moderate boundary (incomplete)

74 CB macrophytes 10 countries Pressure – eutrophication (sign rel)
Ref sites- not all countries Continuos benchmark standardization Option 3a – direct comparison PCM Boundary bias – adjustment for BE, LT Class agreement - < 1 class No problems LV and LT not responding

75 MED macrophytes 3 countries - FR, IT, ES
Information: why it is not possible to carry out the Intercalibration (pressures, lake zones); not information pressure-response relationships detailed description of boundary setting (and correspondence of boundaries to the WFD requirements); description of good status communities.

76 EC Macrophytes Results not accepted The GIG 3 MS: HU, RO and BG
Adopted DE metric – RI Option 1 - all countries use the same method, set the same boundaries

77 EC Macrophytes Macrophyte assessment method RC and boundary setting
Does it work in the EC lakes ? Which pressures are detected? species lists and indicator values RC and boundary setting Esp important because boundaries are set by the IC (not compared)

78 EC Macrophytes Macrophyte assessment method RC and boundary setting
Does it work in the EC lakes ? Which pressures are detected? species lists and indicator values RC and boundary setting Esp important because boundaries are set by the IC (not compared)

79 NOR macrophytes 5 countries Option 2 + ICM
Site-specific ref values (“expected ICM”) Boundary bias < 0.25 class Questions: Macrophyte abundance not used (but explained) Countries use different ref criteria/methods (but explained)

80 GIG Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern
PHYTO June 2011 October 2011 March 2012 MACROPH BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos

81 Alpine Phytoplankton 5 countries Ref sites- all countries ?
No benchmark stand (no differences) Option 3 + PCM Boundary bias – < 0.25 Class agreement - < 0,5 class No problems !

82 CB Phytoplankton 11 countries Option 2 with IC common metric
Continuos benchmark standardization Boundaries harmonised Altogether – monumental work ! Problems: .... Quite complicated !

83 EC Phytoplankton Are the boundaries set correctly ?
2 countries HU vs RO Direct comparison no CM No ref sites, so alternative benchmark sites selected 2 methods are quite comparable (high R2, p<0.01) Boundaries are fine : Low boundary bias Low avg class difference Are the boundaries set correctly ?

84 EC Phytoplankton Ref lakes by RO method Ref lakes by HU method

85 EC Phytoplankton The Milestone says that “There are no reference lakes”   But  still ca. 50% of lakes  (40% HU and 56% RO) have EQRs , so they are assessed as “high” status lakes by HU and RO assessment systems So one of these statements is wrong: or there are reference lakes (because RC=high status) or class boundaries are not set correctly (so lake are not assessed correctly) expert judgment has been used for setting RC. So there is no any guarantee that RC setting is done correctly!

86 EC Phytoplankton Ref lakes by RO method Good lakes by RO method
Ref lakes by HU method Good lakes by RO method

87 EC Phytoplankton The Milestone says that “There are no reference lakes”   But 88 % of lakes high+good (RO) How boundaries are set ? Based on expert judgment, pressure response relationship and alternative benchmark sites (least disturbed sites)


89 EC Phytoplankton boundaries
High status range (1-1.6) roughly corresponds to “benchmark lakes” (which are not reference lakes but ”best available”) Good status boundary - closer to the median of heavily impacted lakes as to the median of benchmark lakes This explains why 79% from HU lakes and 88 % from RO are assessed as high and good status Conclusion: boundaries are set (at least) 1 class too low !

90 RO phytoplankton

91 Mediterranean Phtoplankton
Haotic and not completed yet .... 6 MS for reservoirs, 2 for lakes Option 3 + PCM Ref sites not sufficient Continuous BS (?) Huge work invested (Milestone report 174 p) Problems with the final results

92 Mediterranean Phtoplankton
Romanian method: WFD compliance Pressure-response relationships response of diversity and taxa number metrics – it is positive to pressure which is in contrary to ecological knowledge. Reference conditions and boundary setting

93 Mediterranean Phtoplankton
Romanian method: relaxed boundaries

94 Mediterranean Phtoplankton
French method: too strict boundaries

95 Northern Phytoplankton
5 countries Ref sites- all countries Continuos benchmark standardidstion Option 3 + IC common metric Boundary bias – < 0.25 Class agreement - < 0,5 class Some harmonisation done before Problems: .... Quite complicated !

96 What about ,,, Phytobenthos ?

97 Phytobenthos Cross-GIG comparisons for 3 types (different set of MS)
Option 2 with Common Metrics Continuous BS Acceptable results with some minor issues: LA lakes 2 countries UK and IE, very similar systems, no BS

98 Phytobenthos: General problem
BQE = Macrophyte + Phytobenthos Macrophyte IC –as a separate BQE: Macrophyte methods Macrophyte metrics (for example, DE) Phytobenthos part usually excluded Phytobenthos IC – disagree Don`t assess WFD-compliance for phytobenthos methods on their own ! Usually Phytobenthos metrics= diatom trophic indices (so only composition)

99 Macrophytes & Phytobenthos
Macrophytes -IC Diatom indices – IC Is is a full BQE ? Macroalgae – sometimes included in the Macrophytes Combination and use of Macrophytes and Phytobenthos

100 Can we accept results of Alp Fish and EC GIG ?
Alpine Central Baltic Eastern Continen Mediter ranean Northern PHYTO MACROPH BENTHIC FISH Phyto benthos Can we accept results of Alp Fish and EC GIG ? Med GIG – no IC

101 Ecological assessment
Statistics, rules, technicalities… Do we measure the right things ? Do we make the right decisions ? Are these decisions comparable ?

102 To the scientific review:

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