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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction

2 Questions to Answer How can the South be reintegrated into Union?
Would Southern states be treated as defeated territories or quickly be returned to the Union? Who would set the requirements for readmission? Would Confederate leaders be punished? What would happen to the 3.5 million freemen

3 Lincoln’s Plan (10% Plan)
10% take oath of allegiance Presidential pardons needed for Confederate leaders

4 Wade-Davis Bill Each Confederate state ruled by military governors
50 % eligible voters declare allegiance Lincoln pocket-vetoed bill

5 Johnson’s Plan All states could return to Union
Southerners who took oath of allegiance received pardons State must ratify 13th Amendment

6 Impact South hasn’t changed Black codes
Former confederates in office (Alexander Stephens) Black codes Goal: to ensure stable labor force Racial segregation, prohibited jury service and intermarriage and had economic restrictions

7 Congress v. Johnson Shut South out of Congress Freedmen’s Bureau Bill
Civil Rights Bill Johnson’s vetoes it all!

8 14th Amendment 1866 Citizenship Nullified Dred Scott
Denied power to former Confederates

9 Congressional Reconstruction
Radical Republican Congress gains 2/3 majority Reconstruction Act of 1867 Military districts Must ratify 14th Amendment and permit black suffrage

10 Impeachment Tenure of Office Act Johnson’s defiance with Stanton
Republicans fall one vote short!

11 Another Amendment?! Prohibited denial of suffrage by states to any citizen on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude Loopholes Women were furious!

12 The New South By 1870, all Confederate states rejoined Union
New Electorate White voters Freedmen Carpetbaggers Scalawags

13 Counterattacks Democrats Jim Crow Laws KKK
Worked to intimate black voters Confederate veterans Enforcement Acts

14 Freedom?! Ill prepared Mobility Black institutions Southwest Cities
Search for family Black institutions Churches Schools

15 Land Jim Crow Laws Southern Homestead Act Sharecropping
Panic 1873 led to more blacks doing this Crop-lien economy

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