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Rebuilding -Had to rebuild everything -Political -Social -Economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Rebuilding -Had to rebuild everything -Political -Social -Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebuilding -Had to rebuild everything -Political -Social -Economic

2 Reconstruction:

3 Lincoln’s Plan -Preserve Union -Higher Cause -forgiving peace -”with malice toward none, with charity for all” -amnesty to most -10% must take oath -little mention of former slaves

4 Lincoln Assassinated -John Wilkes Booth -Andrew Johnson is President -tried to follow Lincoln’s plan with additions -13th Amendment -Congress refuses plan -South tries to reorganize under Lincoln’s plan

5 Radical Plan -Radical Republicans: will take over after 1866 mid-term -wanted a harsher plan:50% plan -Wade-Davis Bill of 1864: Vetoed by Lincoln -martial law -majority takes oath -bar former leaders from office

6 Southern Politics -Black Codes -many of the same leaders elected to office -blacks denied most rights -many people of the Union saw little change and began to question the outcome of the war

7 Power Struggle -Congress refuses to admit new southern delegates -Congress passes Civil Rights laws but Johnson vetoes -Congress bypasses Johnson -14th Amendment -Radicals control Congress after 1866 elections with large majority

8 Radical Reconstruction
-Reconstruction Act of 1867 Will fund Freedman’s Bureau -override the President -military rule of South -protect former slaves -bans former leaders

9 New Government -Scalawags: southerners who supported Reconstruction policies -Carpetbaggers: northerners who moved south ..viewed as opportunists by Southerners -African Americans can vote -Black leaders elected (Hiram Revels first U.S. Senator) -some corruption

10 Johnson Impeached -Johnson fights with Radicals -Radicals seek to impeach -Tenure of Office Act: limits AJ’s ability to fire Cabinet -Johnson tests the legality of Act -Johnson impeached but acquitted

11 Grant Elected -Johnson serves out term with no real effect on policy -General Grant is nominated and wins election easily -15th Amendment

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