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Vocabulary To Go in Ch. 7 Notes: Grab a BOOK

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1 Vocabulary To Go in Ch. 7 Notes: Grab a BOOK
Reactants Products Chemical Equation Coefficients Chemical Energy Exothermic Reaction Endothermic Reaction Reaction Rate Catalyst

2 Chemical Reactions Chapter 7

3 Chemical Reactions Chemical Reaction Evidence of a Chemical Reaction
Rearranges atoms into different substances Evidence of a Chemical Reaction Temperature change Production of light Color change Production of gas Creation of a precipitate (solid) end

4 Chemical Equations Chemical Equations 2 parts: Reactants Products
ON the LEFT Products ON the RIGHT The State of Matter is with: (s), (l), (g), (aq) aq- aqueous (dissolved in water) 2 H2(g) + O2(g)  2 H2O(l) Yields/Forms/Produces end

5 Chemical Equations Box the reactants and underline the products
2 H2 + O2  2 H2O Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2 2 HgO  2 Hg + O2 end

6 Chemical Equations The Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter CANNOT be created or destroyed! Every atom at the start, must be at the end! MUST BALANCE CHEMICAL EQUATIONS!!! end

7 NEVER Change the Subscripts
Chemical Equations Steps to balancing chemical equations: Write Equation List Elements Multiply by Coefficients Balance elements in 1 place first NEVER Change the Subscripts end

8 Chemical Equations Practice
___ N2 + ___ H2  ___ NH3 end

9 Practice ___ KClO3  ___ KCl + ___ O2

10 Practice ___ CH4 + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O

11 Practice ___ P + ___ O2  ___ P2O5
___ NaCl + ___ F2  ___ NaF + ___ Cl2

12 Practice

13 Balancing Polyatomic Ions
If there is a polyatomic ion in the chemical equation…COUNT IT AS A WHOLE ONLY IF it has ( ) & is on both sides of the equation FeCl3 + NaOH  Fe(OH) NaCl

14 Chemical Reactions There are 5 basic chemical reactions: Synthesis
Decomposition Single Replacement Double Replacement Combustion end

15 Chemical Reactions Synthesis A + B  AB ___ Mg + ___O2  ___ MgO
2 or more reactants combine to form 1 product A + B  AB ___ Mg + ___O2  ___ MgO end

16 Chemical Reactions Decomposition AB  A + B
1 reactant breaks down into 2 or more products AB  A + B ___ H2O2  ___ O2 + ___ H2O end

17 Chemical Reactions Single Replacement A + BC  AC + B
1 element replaces another element in a compound A + BC  AC + B __ Mg + __ HC2H3O2  __ Mg(C2H3O2)2 + __ H2 ___Br2 + ___ MgI2  ___ MgBr2 + ___ I2 end

18 ___ Pb(NO3)2 + ___ KI  ___ PbI2 + ___ KNO3
Chemical Reactions Double Replacement The reactants switch partners AB + CD  AD + CB Often produces water, a gas , or a solid ___ Pb(NO3)2 + ___ KI  ___ PbI2 + ___ KNO3 end

19 Chemical Reactions Combustion ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
Combine with oxygen give off heat and light Forms CO2(g) and H2O(l) ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O end

20 Chemical Reaction Classify the following: 2 H2 + O2  2 H2O
Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2 2 HgO  2 Hg + O2 AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3 2 C2H6 + 7 O2  4 CO2 + 6 H2O end

21 Chemical Reaction Complete #1-8 on “Classifying Chemical Reactions”

22 To Complete & Turn In Worksheet Balancing & Classifying Reactions
COMPLETE ALL!!! #5 on Balancing Equations is a Challenge Problem) Vocabulary & p. 198 #1-7 on Back of Worksheet

23 Bell Ringer What are the 5 types of chemical equations?
What does the law of conservation of matter state? What type of Chemical Reaction are these: Mg + 2HCl  MgCl2 + H2O -BALANCE N2 + H2  2NH3 BALANCE

24 Quick Review from Yesterday

25 Chemical Reactions There are 5 basic chemical reactions: Synthesis
Decomposition Single Replacement Double Replacement Combustion end

26 Chemical Reactions Synthesis A + B  AB ___ Mg + ___O2  ___ MgO
2 or more reactants combine to form 1 product A + B  AB ___ Mg + ___O2  ___ MgO end

27 Chemical Reactions Decomposition AB  A + B
1 reactant breaks down into 2 or more products AB  A + B ___ H2O2  ___ O2 + ___ H2O end

28 Chemical Reactions Single Replacement A + BC  AC + B
1 element replaces another element in a compound A + BC  AC + B __ Mg + __ HC2H3O2  __ Mg(C2H3O2)2 + __ H2 ___Br2 + ___ MgI2  ___ MgBr2 + ___ I2 end

29 ___ Pb(NO3)2 + ___ KI  ___ PbI2 + ___ KNO3
Chemical Reactions Double Replacement The reactants switch partners AB + CD  AD + CB Often produces water, a gas , or a solid ___ Pb(NO3)2 + ___ KI  ___ PbI2 + ___ KNO3 end

30 Chemical Reactions Combustion ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
Combine with oxygen give off heat and light Forms CO2(g) and H2O(l) ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O end

31 Chemical Reaction Classify the following: 2 H2 + O2  2 H2O
Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2 2 HgO  2 Hg + O2 AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3 2 C2H6 + 7 O2  4 CO2 + 6 H2O end

32 Write down the following formulas in your BR notebook
DEMO DAY Write down the following formulas in your BR notebook

33 DEMO #1 A + B  AB ___ Mg + ___O2  ___ MgO
2 or more reactants combine to form 1 product A + B  AB ___ Mg + ___O2  ___ MgO end

34 DEMO #2 AB  A + B ___ H2O2  ___ O2 + ___ H2O
1 reactant breaks down into 2 or more products AB  A + B ___ H2O2  ___ O2 + ___ H2O end

35 DEMO # 3 A + BC  AC + B __ Mg + __ HC2H3O2  __ Mg(C2H3O2)2 + __ H2
1 element replaces another element in a compound A + BC  AC + B __ Mg + __ HC2H3O2  __ Mg(C2H3O2)2 + __ H2 ___Br2 + ___ MgI2  ___ MgBr2 + ___ I2 end

36 ___ Pb(NO3)2 + ___ KI  ___ PbI2 + ___ KNO3
DEMO #4 The reactants switch partners AB + CD  AD + CB Often produces water, a gas , or a solid ___ Pb(NO3)2 + ___ KI  ___ PbI2 + ___ KNO3 end

37 DEMO #5 Combustion ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
Combine with oxygen give off heat and light Forms CO2(g) and H2O(l) ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O end

You are to make your own observations per demonstration and write them down, you are also to make an educated guess as to what type of chemical reaction is taking place.

1) What can this symbol stand for in a chemical equation: Circle the reactants, and underline the products in the following chemical equations: FeO3(s) + CO(g) --> Fe(l) + CO2(g) H2SO4 + Pb(OH) --> Pb(SO4)2 + H2O 2) What do the letters (s), (g), (l) in the first chemical equation stand for? 3) What types of chemical reactions are above? 4) How many types of Reactions are there?

40 Identify Type of Chemical Reaction and Balance:
1) ___Na3PO4 + ___KOH --> ___NaOH + ___KPO4 Type: _____________________________ 2) ___P4 + ___O2 --> ___P2O5 Type:________________________ 3) ___C3H6O + ___O2 --> ___CO2 + ___H2O 4) ___ NO2 --> ___O2 + ___N2 Type: _______________________ 5) ___AgNO3 + ___Cu --> ___Cu(NO3)2 + ___ Ag


42 Energy Changes Chemical Energy Exothermic Endothermic
Stored in chemical bonds Changed during a chemical reaction Exothermic Give off energy Produces heat/light Endothermic Takes in energy Gets cold end

43 Energy Changes Exothermic Reaction Gives OFF Energy
Produces heat and/or light Instant heating pad, glow sticks Energy written as a PRODUCT AB + CD  AD + CB + energy Na + Cl2  NaCl + 411kJ Energy end

44 Energy Changes In an exothermic reaction:
Reactants HIGHER than Products More energy end

45 Energy Changes Endothermic Reaction Takes IN Energy Gets colder
Instant icepacks Energy written as a REACTANT AB + CD + energy  AD + CB 15000 kJ + 6 CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Energy end

46 Energy Changes In an endothermic reaction:
Reactants LOWER than Products Less energy end

47 Reaction Rates Reaction Rate Speed that Reactants become Products
5 ways to make reactions go faster: end

48 Reaction Rates Temperature Surface Area Adding Heat = Move Faster
Move Faster = Faster Reaction Surface Area Grind into a powder More Surface Area = Faster Reaction end

49 Reaction Rates Stirring Concentration Moves things around
More Movement = Faster Reaction Concentration More Reactants = Easier to Combine Easier to Combine = Faster Reaction end

50 Reaction Rates Catalyst Speeds up a reaction without being used
Lowers energy needed start the reaction The size of the hill Less Energy Needed = Faster Reaction end




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