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ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS. ACADEMIC ADVISOR Graduate from high school online! It is becoming more and more important in todays competitive career market.

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2 ACADEMIC ADVISOR Graduate from high school online! It is becoming more and more important in todays competitive career market to graduate from high school. EBUS Academy is committed to helping you achieve more in your education and ultimately your life. Watch this presentation to learn more about our Adult Programs and see what EBUS Academy can offer you! Adult Ed Advisor David Anderson 1-800-567-1236 Ext. 2231 Email:

3 GRAD PROGRAMS ADULT GRADUATION PROGRAM (20 credits) – for adult students (see restrictions on next slide). 2004 GRADUATION PROGRAM (80 credits) – for all school-aged students registering in Grade 10 as of September 2004 or later. Note for Graduated Adults – Effective immediately, the Ministry of Education has announced that graduated adults are only eligible to take the following courses for free: English 12 Biology 12 Any of the three Math 12 Any of the three Math 11 Chemistry 11 Physics 11 All other courses will require a tuition fee of $450 plus any applicable course refundable book deposits. If you have any questions please speak with someone from our advising department.

4 ELIGIBILITY To be eligible to graduate in the Adult Graduation Program, adult students (19+ yrs) must earn at least 5 courses (20 credits) in the secondary system or complete 5 courses in the post-secondary system. Three (3) of the five (5) courses must be completed after the age of 19. A student who is eighteen and has been out of school for at least a year may be admitted to an Adult Program with approval from EBUS. For further details regarding program requirements, please visit the Ministry of Education website and/or download this PDF document.Ministry of EducationPDF document

5 ADULT GRAD REQUIREMENTS A Language Arts 12* Course AND A Mathematics 11 or 12* course AND EITHER Option 1 (12 Credits) - Three Grade 12 Ministry-authorized courses (4 credits each) OR Option 2 (12 Credits) - Social Studies 11 (4 credits) or First Nations Studies 12 AND two (2) Grade 12 Ministry- authorized courses (4 credits each) Please refer to the Course Information List for courses that satisfy the mathematics and language arts requirements for the Adult Graduation Program.Course Information List Accounting 11 and 12, continue to satisfy the mathematics requirement on the Adult Graduation Program.. BA or IDS courses do not count toward graduation credits on the Adult Graduation Program, but appear on the student's transcript. To be eligible for the Adult Graduation Diploma, a person must be 19 years or older. A student who is eighteen and has been out of school for at least a year may be admitted to an Adult Program with approval from the enrolling institution. Three courses must be completed through enrolment in a course or through Prior Learning Assessment after enrolling in an Adult Graduation Program. Provincial exams are optional for students on the Adult Graduation Program.

6 Earn your Dogwood Course Requirements In order to earn a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood), students must complete a minimum of 80 credits. These must include 54 credits for required courses, and a minimum of 28 elective credits. Every student must complete 13 required courses (52 credits). Students must complete a minimum of 28 elective credits. These 28 credits may be from Ministry-authorized, BAA, post-secondary courses, or external credentials. Students must complete a minimum of 16 credits at the Grade 12 level: One grade 12 Language Arts course (4 credits) Three grade 12 Elective courses (12 credits) Students are not restricted to courses within their own grade levels. (e.g. Grade 10 students may select grade 11 elective courses.) Language Arts 10 Mathematics 10 Science 10 Social Studies 10 Physical Education 10 Planning 10 Language Arts 11 Mathematics 11 Science 11 or 12 Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations Studies 11 or 12 Language Arts 12 A Fine Arts or Applied Skills course 10,11 or 12 Graduation Transition 12 At least 3 more elective Gr. 12 courses *completed in gr. 12 year At least 4 more elective courses 10, 11 or 12 for a total of 16 credits Graduation Total = 80 Credits 2004 DOGWOOD PROGRAM

7 WHICH PROGRAM? Students who started the 2004 Dogwood in high school may want to complete it if they have only a few subjects left to do. The Adult Dogwood will satisfy the requirements for most colleges. Please check with your college program advisor first. COURSE SELECTION Many of our adult students complete the Adult Dogwood using the following courses: Communications 12 Essentials of Math 11 CAPPA 12 Food Studies 12 or Data Management 12 Family Studies 12 or Entrepreneurship 12 We want you to be successful, so advise you to take only 1 (maybe 2) courses at a time. You may want to start with Planning 12 – quick and easy to complete which gives you an immediate sense of success and provides the advisor with important information to help with your graduation plan.

8 COMMUNICATION Communicate with your Academic Advisor for any overall course scheduling concerns or program concerns. Communicate regularly with your subject teachers for subject specific questions.

9 Still have questions? Dont hesitate to contact me with your questions. or 1-800-567-1236 Ext. 2231 We look forward to having you on board! David Anderson Adult Ed Academic Advisor

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