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Commission position on Japan’s proposal on class 0

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1 Commission position on Japan’s proposal on class 0
The European Commission’s science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre Commission position on Japan’s proposal on class 0 25th Meeting of the IWG on EPPR Seoul – 2 to 5 October 2018

2 Commission position on Japan’s proposal on class 0
Japan document: EPPR (Japan) JASIC proposal_class0.pptx Japan proposal: Class 0 shall be excluded from the scope of this GTR. EU Commission cannot accept this proposal because: Not in line with the objective to stay as close as possible to EURO 5 proposal (Japan knowledge this requirement) To exclude the class 0 from the scope of the GTR 2 is counter productive. If the objective is to transpose the GTR into a UN Regulation this would not be possible WMTC can be used for the class 0 vehicles (Euro 5 study)

3 Thanks Any questions? EU Science Hub:
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