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Development 1st Year of Life! in the.

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1 Development 1st Year of Life! in the

2 Characteristics of Newborns
Newborns – the first month of life Varying amounts of hair Ears pressed against head Large head compared to body Misshapen head Bowed legs Bulging abdomen Red, wrinkled skin Flattened nose Receding chin 7 ½ pounds 20-21 inches long

3 Care of Newborns Feeding Sleep
Breast milk or formula until 4 – 6 months old Need to be fed 6 – 8 times a day Sleep Newborns sleep 18 – 20 hours a day about 4 – 5 hours at a time. Firm, flat mattress fit snugly inside crib. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)‏ Cause is still unknown Babies should sleep on their back with no pillow, toys ect.

4 Care of Newborns Bathing Sponge bath until baby’s navel has healed
Tub bath First clean eyes, ears, nose and face Place baby in small tub with 1 inch of water Clean diaper and and skin folds Pat dry then use lotion to moisten tender skin

5 Care of Newborns Clothes Diapers Soft, flame retardant fabrics
Loose fitting and easy to take on and off Appropriate for existing temperature Use sweaters and blankets as needed Diapers Newborns are changed about 10 times a day Change diapers promptly and thoroughly

6 Infants Early Brain Development
First 2 years of life are critical in determining how the circuits of the brain are wired Dependent on emotional interaction by caregiver Talking, reading and playing enhance intellectual, physical and emotional development

7 Infants Physical Growth Infants will triple in weight their first year
Grow up to 1 ½ times their length at birth Small and large muscle skills develop at an amazing rate, noticing changes daily Infants progress from reflex actions to controlled muscle movement Infants cannot hold up their heads – need careful support when held

8 Infants Third month Can sit up if supported Six months Can roll over
Seven months Beginning to crawl Eight months Can sit alone for a period of time Ten months able to stand by themselves

9 Infants Emotional and Social Growth
Begin to show emotions at a very young age Two-month-olds show when they are distressed, excited or happy Five-month-olds show fear, disgust and anger Eight-month-olds show fear of strangers Ten-month-olds begin to cry less One year olds develop own identities and are able to recognize emotions expressed by others

10 Infants Intellectual Growth of Infants
Show intellectual development through senses Follow moving objects with eyes By 2 months can tell different voice and show preference for people over objects At 3 months infants show signs of memory At 6 months show eye-hand coordination At 8 months understand concepts like in and out 10 month olds will search for hidden objects 1 year olds may show hand preference

11 Infants Intellectual Growth of Infants
Babies like toys that are bright colors, varied textures and have interesting sounds Put toys in mouths-must be kept clean Small objects could be swallowed – make careful toy choices

12 Infants Language Development
By 3 months infants make ooh and ah sounds At 5 months they understand their name At 8 months they recognize some words At 9 months may say mama and dada By 1 year most infants have a vocabulary of several words Speak in pleasant tones reflecting love and interest

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