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Aciequor Workshop spAts IIT Kharagpur.

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Presentation on theme: "Aciequor Workshop spAts IIT Kharagpur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aciequor Workshop spAts IIT Kharagpur

2 Problem Statement Build a machine that responds to sound and colour.

3 Building Blocks Line Follower Colour Sensor Sound Sensing

4 Line Follower Differential Drive

5 Line Follower 2. L293D

6 Line Follower 3. IR Sensor

7 Colour Sensing Working Principles

8 Colour Sensing A closer look

9 Colour Sensing Pin Values

10 Sound Sensing Servo Motor

11 Sound Sensing Sound Sensor

12 The Brain

13 Now its time for hands on session!
THANK YOU Now its time for hands on session!

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