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Becoming More Critical of Sport Coverage in The Media

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1 Becoming More Critical of Sport Coverage in The Media
Mr. Ganz Hudson Middle School - PE

2 Ice Breaker – Penny Identification Test
Which one of these 1-cent coins is accurate? Don’t let your memory deceive you! Think of the penny as a stereotype we make of gender-appropriate sports/body image, etc., and despite what we think we know, we may not even be able to identify it even though we see it all the time.

3 What is the purpose of this activity?
Brings awareness towards the INFLUENCE of media in how we view sports in our society Highlights the inequalities, reinforces stereotypes, helps potentially create more welcoming environments in PE settings, etc. Gain a more global perspective to sports Be more critical consumers of sport Use this new perspective to create more welcoming and safe learning environments for PE

4 How does this align with our state academic standards?
Standard 6 Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or SOCIAL INTERACTION. Indicator Describe how engaging in physical activity promotes awareness of self and others.

5 What would happen if we change the lens in which we view sports/physical activity?

6 Sport Participation How many of you participate in sports? What are they? How many of you do not play sports or dread participating in PE class? If so, do you mind sharing why? Does anyone think the media (i.e., television, magazines, etc.) influence how ‘we’ view sports?

7 Let’s see if we’re influenced by media?
Raise your hand if you think these sports are for males: Football Boxing Figure Skating Hockey Gymnastics Why do we all think the same about gender appropriate sports? Who told us to think this way?

8 Let’s take a look at some examples…
What is the main difference in message sent from the TOP covers to BELOW?

9 Let’s take a look at some examples…

10 Let’s take a look at some examples…

11 Let’s see if the media presents different types of healthy bodies…

12 Ah ha! You did it! That was a great example of creating a new perspective to sport in the media and recognizing the hidden messages that may influence ones MOTIVATION in sport participation. Your in-class activity will allow you to continue to practice becoming more critical of the media coverage of sports. Newspaper or magazine examination

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