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2 Label the World!

3 Label the US! Northeast Midwest Far West Southeast Southwest Alaska

4 Time Zones

5 Time Zones As you travel around the world, you either gain or lose time as you pass through different time zones The Earth is divided into 24 time zones. Why? Because there are 24 hours in a day!

6 Time Zones Time zones are mostly drawn along lines of longitude, though some have been adjusted for convenience. Each time zone is approximately 15° wide When traveling west, you subtract hours (the time gets earlier) When traveling east, you add hours (the time gets later)

7 Practice If it is 2:00pm in TX, what time is it in CO? 1:00 pm
If it is 2:00pm in AZ, what time is it in FL? 4:00 pm

8 Time Zones International Date Line – 180o from the Prime Meridian
Crossing it either advances time one day or causes it to go back one day

9 Time Zones Places east of the International Date Line are one day behind those that are west. If you are traveling east, you subtract your calendar one day. If you are traveling west, you add one day. Jan. 29 Jan. 28

10 Time Zones Practice: The flight from CA to Tokyo takes 11 hours. If you fly from CA at 8:00AM on July 2, what day would it be when you arrive in Tokyo? July 3

11 Way to remember the time zones and the international date line
“We WANT to stay ahead, but it is EASY to fall behind.” The “W” stands for west and the “E” stands for east. Jan. 29 Jan. 28

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