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What do you notice about this introduction?

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1 What do you notice about this introduction?
Have you ever read the book, Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon?! Well, if you have, you would know that both characters are influenced by their experiences. The rest of my essay will explain how Ronald Durkin and Molly Lou Mellon experience many things that change who they become.

2 How about this intro? Negative experiences throughout life make people stronger. In Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell, both characters are influenced by their experiences and actions. Ronald Durkin’s interactions with Molly Lou taught him a valuable lesson. Molly Lou’s relationship with her grandma and her perseverance shaped her identity. At the conclusion of the book, both characters undergo a positive change due to their experiences.

3 What do you notice about this body paragraph?
Ronald Durkin is a mean bully. He always teases Molly Lou, but she doesn’t let it bother her. He says things to hurt her, but it doesn’t. Ronald becomes nicer at the end. This is how he changes.

4 What do you notice about this body paragraph?
Ronald Durkin bullies Molly Lou for the first four days in her new school. He calls her “Shrimpo” because of her height in gym class on the first day. Instead of calling him a name in return, Molly Lou runs underneath his legs and scores a touchdown. In this instance, Molly Lou showed Ronald how her short height was actually a positive quality and “Ronald Durkin felt very foolish.” This idea is developed throughout the book. For example, on the second day, Ronald calls Molly Lou a “Bucky-Tooth Beaver.” In response, she shows him how she can balance ten pennies on her large teeth. Rather than joining Ronald in poking fun at Molly Lou, the other children are entertained by her talent, which makes him feel “foolish.” Ronald was hoping to feel superior to Molly Lou, but she in turn, made him feel smaller. This shifted his perspective by the end of the story and he learns to treat Molly Lou with kindness. This embarrassing and humbling experience shaped Ronald’s identity and helped him grow into a better person. Rather than continuing to be a bully, Ronald’s experiences have guided him to be a friend.

5 What do you notice about this conclusion?
In conclusion, the characters become better at the end of the story. Next time a bully makes you feel sad, be like Molly Lou and stand up to them! I hope you liked my essay! Bye!

6 What do you notice about this conclusion?
Although it may be difficult to recognize it at the time, the most challenging experiences in life are the ones that teach the most valuable lessons. In Stand Tall, Molly Lou Mellon by Patty Lovell, both characters learned to be stronger people through their difficult experiences. Ronald learned to be reflective and use kindness rather than cruelty. Molly Lou found her confidence when she took her grandmother’s advice and didn’t let a bully bring her down. It may not always be easy to navigate through difficult situations in life, but the benefit of growing into a better person will always make the journey worthwhile.

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