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Place this in the proper place

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1 Place this in the proper place
Physical Science May 11, 2017 Place this in the proper place Notebooks due tomorrow.

2 link

3 Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper
Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper. Last class’s EQ was: Essential Question: What was the program called that put men on the moon?

4 Summary We had a standard opening. We discussed and watched videos on the manned space missions and on the planned missions to Mars and beyond. We ended notebooks with this summary I learned

5 There are no notebook entries

6 Vocabulary Test Make sure you have your own answer sheet No talking
Eyes on your own paper. Clear the table (putting papers under notebook is ok)

7 Life Skills Introduction

8 Why not legalize all drugs and use?
Topic/Objective: Name: Class/Period: Date: May 11, 2017 Essential Question: Why not legalize all drugs and use? Understanding Drug Abuse

9 Warm Up

10 1. What is the most commonly used drug in America?

11 2. What is the difference between Legal and Illegal drug use?

12 3. Can a person be arrested for using legal drugs ?

13 4. How can you free yourself from addiction?

14 Homework Final notebook grading is tomorrow.

15 Today’s Work Life Skills worksheet 1

16 Project Mercury https://www. youtube. com/watch
Project Mercury Project Gemini Project Apollo

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