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Do you agree with this quote? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you agree with this quote? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you agree with this quote? Why?
What makes a hero? Discuss the characteristics someone will need to have to be seen as a hero. E.g. brave, helpful etc. Do you agree with this quote? Why? Play from 18 seconds  and finish at 5:22 

2 Would these people be heroes?
MP Tobias Ellwood Junior Dr Jeeves Wijesuriya PC Keith Palmer Tony Davis

3 Why are these people heroes?
Wednesday 22nd March 2017, these people came to the aid of those hurt, injured or killed as a result of a terrorist attack at Westminster Bridge and the House of Parliament, London. Not one of them thought ‘I’m not helping’, or ‘Let someone else help’. They jumped right in and unfortunately PC Keith Palmer lost his life. Are these heroes?

4 A hero is…

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