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Monitoring performance

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1 Monitoring performance
National 5 Physical Education

2 Monitoring In order to ensure that you are improving when during your training you must have some way of measuring your improvement It is vital to know if your training is improving your performance level because this will show you if your training is suitable We will look at a number of different methods that monitor your performance across all four factors

3 feedback The two main types of feedback you will receive will be INTERNAL and EXTERNAL feedback Internal feedback is the feedback that comes from within. This is basically the feedback that you give yourself e.g. what you thought you were performing well/ poorly and how you were performing overall External feedback is the feedback you get from outside sources. This is someone giving you feedback on your performance. This can be in the form of a teacher or peer etc.

4 Internal feedback There are a number of different methods we use to record internal feedback such as: Training Diaries This is where we have been commenting on the success of today session Video Analysis This method is used when you record your own performance, watching it back and highlighting parts of your performance which are your strengths and development needs Focused Observation Schedule using with video analysis This is when you mark a focused observation schedule such as a P.A.R analysis sheet while watching your own performance back from a recording

5 Internal feedback - benefits
METHOD OF FEEDBACK BENEFITS Training Diaries This is a permanent record that you can look back on at any time You can make comparisons between each session you have completed to mark improvement Having a record of your improvement can improve your motivation to train Video Analysis This method allows you to fast forward, rewind and watch your performance at a speed that best suits you It is also a permanent record you can look back on Focused Observation Schedule This method allows you to compare your performance against a model performer Again you can watch your performance at the speed that suits you You again have a permanent record you can refer back to or use to make comparison

6 Internal feedback - limitations
What do you think some of the limitations may be for some of methods we have looked at? You are looking at your own performance so you may be subjective (be overly lenient or harsh) You may not have enough knowledge to give yourself quality feedback or know what you are doing incorrectly

7 External feedback The two main ways we receive feedback externally are from teachers/coaches and peers Teacher/coach feedback usually comes in the form of verbal feedback. Explaining things that you are needing to improve on or giving detailed praise to you were you a performing something well Peer feedback can again be verbal but will also come in the form of a peer collecting data from you such as completing a General Observation Schedule, recording times for Standardised Tests or completing a Discipline Record etc. These types of feedback are written feedback

8 External feedback - benefits
METHOD OF FEEDBACK BENEFIT Teacher Feedback - Verbal You can receive high quality feedback off someone who has a very good knowledge of the game You can record any feedback you receive in your training diary It is immediate. The feedback is given then and there. Peer Feedback – Written Permanent record Completed by someone who is objective Peer Feedback - Verbal Again it is immediate Someone is watching your performance from a distance so can see the whole picture It is objective

9 External feedback - limitations
The quality of the external feedback you receive will depends on the level of knowledge the observer has The observer must also have a certain level of concentration to make sure that they are watching your whole performance Honesty of the feedback is also essential. The observer needs to be able to give honest feedback on your performance

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