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The rise of Christianity

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1 The rise of Christianity
6th Grade SS

2 Lesson 1 Vocabulary disciple or apostle - followers who followed Jesus
treason – crime of betraying your own country, especially by trying to overthrow the government crucifixion – a from of punishment where a person is nailed to a cross. resurrection Coming back to life after death

3 Key points Roman empire controlled Judea and Galilee in the ancient land of Israel Romans were cruel to the Romans so the Jews wanted to be independent from Rome. 30 A.D. a Jewish preacher, Jesus, travelled throughout Judaea and Galilee and gathered a group of disciples or apostles Jesus used stories to teach the Jewish people. Romans saw Jesus as a threat because Jesus influenced the Jewish people. On Passover, Jesus was arrested for treason and sentenced to crucifixion. After his death and reports of resurrection, Jesus’ followers continued to spread his message.

4 Lesson 2: Early Church Vocabulary
persecution – hostility or ill-treatment because of a person’s religions beliefs

5 Lesson 2: The Early Church
As Christianity spread, conflict grew with the Romans. Romans viewed Christianity as a threat and began to punish (persecute) Christians. Persecution did not stop Christianity from growing and increasing in power. Christianity spread to East Africa. The Ethiopian city-state of Axum adopted Christianity as the official religion in 334 A.D. Emperor Constantine had a dream and saw a flaming cross in the sky. The next day he had soldiers paint a cross on their shields and won the battle. Constantine believed the Christian God helped him. Four centuries after the death of Jesus, the Roman emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire. Early Christians met in homes to write their beliefs down to organized the church.

6 Constantine’s Contributions
Roman general converted to Christianity after winning an important military victory. When he became emperor, he issued the Edict of Milan. Constantine provided financial support to Christians, build churches, and permitted Christians to serve in government positions.

7 Edict of Milan In 313 A.D. Constantine issued an Edict of Milan.
Order that gave religious freedom to all religions in the empire.

8 Organizing the Church Church ruled my hierarchy of officials.
Patriarch Archbishop Bishop Priest Accepted teachings became doctrine.

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