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Family Networks Web Treatment Plan

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1 Family Networks Web Treatment Plan
Network Provider Staff use Treatment Plan to identify and select CANS domains to be addressed during a consumer’s service episode. For the selected domain(s) provider staff record the proposed goals and supporting activities for achieving the goals.  The user is required to include narrative descriptions of all goals and to record date range and frequency attributes for all activities.

2 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Navigation You’ll need to know the function of each of these icons Documents Copy Navigation Pane Delete Open The Copy Treatment Plan can be used to create a new Plan. This function will copy Domains, Goals, and Activities with dependent narratives, but will not copy the narrative in the Summary window.

3 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Navigation Select the “Children & Families “ tab Select the appropriate “Service Delivery Site”. Make a selection from the “Division” dropdown (if applicable) You are also able to make selections from the “Referral Category”, “Referral Program”, and “Referral Model” dropdowns. Click “Search”. Select a child from the navigation pane. Click the “Planning” tab. Click the “Add New” button.

4 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Adding Goals Important Note A Treatment Plan must have at least one “Goal” and at least one associated “Activity”. The list of “Domains” reflect those listed in the CANS. Click the “Help” icon for assistance in completing a specific work area (E.g. Life Domain Functioning Goals) Select a “Domain” from the navigation pane and click “Add New”. Use the check box to select any/all appropriate goals. You may write up to three “Custom Goals” in the space provided. Click “Save”. You will be redirected to the “Goal Description” window.

5 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Goal Description Important Note Each selected goal requires a customized “Description”. Be sure to use the “Help” text if you have questions regarding appropriate content. Notice the red X in the Navigation Pane. This indicates that a given area has been started but not fully completed. Complete steps 1-3 below to achieve the green checkmark. The green checkmark in the Navigation Pane indicates a given area has been fully completed. Scroll down and click into the text field. Explain how the goal applies to the child/caregiver. Repeat for each Goal. Click “Save” when finished.

6 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Add Activities 1. Select “Activities” from the Navigation Pane and click “Add New”. 2. You will see a list of “Activities that fall into one of three categories; Psychotherapeutic, Adjunctive, or Medical and Evaluation. Use the scroll bar. The sample to the right is an abbreviated version of the available selections under “Activities”. 3. Select any/all “Activities” that apply to the “Treatment Plan” goal and click Save. Each category provides a text field at the bottom which allows you to create a “Custom Activity” if necessary.

7 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Activity Details Important Note The selected “Activities” will be listed. Each “Activity” requires details to be entered. 1. Scroll down and use the “Open” button to the far right of the “Activity” to add details. 2. Complete the “Encounters”, and “Frequency” fields. 3. Use the “Comments” text box to provide further explanation. 4. Click “Save” and repeat for each “Activity”.

8 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Associate Activities to Goal Important Note Each identified “Activity” needs to be directly associated to at least one of the stated “Goals”. Scroll down and select one of the “Goals” you specified from the navigation pane. Use the checkboxes to indicate a relationship between the selected Goal and the “Activities”. Repeat this for each goal. Use the “Goal Activity Formulation” text box to explain how this activity supports the achievement of the goal for this child / caregiver. Identify who is responsible for this activity. Click “Save and Next” to continue.

9 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Summary Complete the “Summary” window, including the text fields and the “Projected Discharge Date” Click “Save and Next”.

10 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Review/Approve The Review/Approve window displays the full document so that it can be reviewed prior to sending it for approval, or before printing. Click the printer icon to print the Document. Please note The screen print to the right only shows a small portion of the document to be reviewed. You will need to scroll down to view the remainder. Review the document. Use the “Approvals” button at the bottom right of the window to either send the Treatment Plan for approval, or to approve the Treatment Plan if you are a designated “Approver”.

11 Creating a New Treatment Plan
Request Approval Add “Comments” if necessary Click the “Request” button. You have sent the Treatment Plan for Approval. Important Note If you’re a Supervisor wanting to approve the Treatment Plan- Follow steps one and two, then click “Approve”.

12 Editing an Approved Treatment Plan
Active TPs can be modified. The following modifications will be permitted by the system: Existing goals can be discontinued New goals can be added New associations can be created between goals and activities Existing associations can be disassociated New activities can be added Existing activity frequencies can be modified Narratives can be edited Projected discharge date can be updated ESP Crisis Plan information can be updated. Open the Treatment Plan to be edited. Be sure that “Domains” is selected in the Navigation Pane. Click the “Edit” button at the bottom-right of the window. Clicking this button will activate the “Add New” buttons at each section of the Treatment Plan allowing you to add new information. This will also create the “Active Plan Change Log” option in the “Navigation Pane”. See next slide.

13 Editing an Approved Treatment Plan
Active Plan Change Log The “Active Plan Change Log” automatically records the name of the clinician making the change and the date of the change. The “Active Plan Change Log” also allows you to record the details of your Treatment Plan update/edit. Any/all rationale for changes to the plan should be described here. The Active Plan Change Log can also be employed to record informal Interim Reviews of a TP or Other events that are germane to the execution and understanding of a TP.

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