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Chapter 8 – Section 1 The Politics of the 1920’s

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1 Chapter 8 – Section 1 The Politics of the 1920’s
U.S. History Chapter 8 – Section 1 The Politics of the 1920’s

2 Warren G. Harding Elected President of the U.S. in 1920; Died in 1923.
Promised “a return to normalcy.” Many of his government appointments were dishonest or inept. Teapot Dome Scandal (1922) Died of a heart attack

3 Calvin Coolidge Succeeded Harding in 1923; Served until 1929.
Believed government shouldn’t interfere with businesses. Supported supply-side economics Supported isolationist foreign policy

4 Isolationism A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs.

5 Supply-Side Economics
An economic theory that lower taxes will boost the economy as businesses and individuals invest their money, thereby creating higher tax revenue.

6 Dawes Plan (1924) American banks loaned money to Germany for payment to Great Britain and France, who would in turn pay their debt to the U.S.

7 Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
15 nations agreed to abandon war and to settle all disputes by peaceful means.

8 It Matters Because…. Summarize the 3 sentences on page 208.


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