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Herts for Learning (HfL) (formerly Hertfordshire Learning Trust (HLT))

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1 Herts for Learning (HfL) (formerly Hertfordshire Learning Trust (HLT))

2 Standards and School Effectiveness (SSE)
SSE currently provides a wide and diverse range of core local authority and traded school improvement functions to help raise achievement and improve the quality of teaching in schools and academies. These include: school improvement advice and consultancy training and development programmes the Hertfordshire school improvement partner (HIP) programme school business support services (FSS, SITSS, HICS, Schools’ HR) Governance services So, provide services for schools requiring extra support (those who faced or face a difficult OfSTED visit) and for all schools (SEAs, back office support). 99% of schools sign up to at least one service. Therefore changes affect all schools, including academies and free schools. Do include, but not transfering out of HCC: the Hertfordshire Music Service the Virutal School for Children Looked After Hertfordshire Development Centre (the training rooms at Robertson House)

3 Drivers for change A new way of working that reflects:
a change in the relationship between schools and the LA financial and political context a shared passion for continued improvement in outcomes for all children Needs to change. (see FAQs in accompanying booklet). Schools becoming more autonomous, LAs focussing only on services that councils must provide, rather than services which have alternate suppliers. In Herts, have history of working with schools to provide optional, traded services. This is not the case in all LAs. As a result, Herts has a range of support that is both popular and well supported, and schools are very successful with the support of these services. Therefore the LA is keen to explore options apart from outsourcing and withdrawing services. The option of a schools’ company, led by vision of strategic directors, owned by schools and the LA seems pragmatic approach to ensure services are maintained, but are more flexible and user-responsive.

4 What is Herts for Learning (HfL) (formerly Hertfordshire Learning Trust (HLT))?
a schools’ owned company a flexible school support and improvement service that meets the changing needs of schools influenced by the shareholders that own it strategic direction from a Board of Directors, drawn from shareholders commissioned by HCC to deliver core functions on its behalf 2 HCC directors, 6 from schools (3 primary, 2 secondary, 1 special). Will be directly elected in March by all schools that have bought a share. Interim period, company steered by shadow directors that have been nominated by primary, secondary and special school Headteacher forums. Directors will play similar role to governors in a school: steer management, challenge and support, have financial oversight and lead strategic vision HCC will pay for the company to provide core services to schools

5 Herts for Learning (HfL) (formerly Hertfordshire Learning Trust (HLT))
Mission: Educational excellence together Improved outcomes for all children Vision: Working together to improve learning, teaching and leadership Innovation Accountability Social responsibility Integrity Values: Vision and mission of the trust. Will be critical to ensure that the company has a clear focus on aims of the business and assist directors with decision making.

6 Autumn term 2012: Finalising an outline business case to address funding arrangements (incl. income, pensions, overheads, capital funding and cash flow), legal form of HfL, constitution of the HfL Board and core functions that the company will undertake on behalf of HCC Refer to timeline in accompanying booklet.

7 Spring and summer term 2013:
HCC to agree final business case and authorise establishment of HfL Schools invited to become shareholders in HfL Shareholders invited to nominate candidates for directors of the HfL Board Shareholders vote for HfL Board non-executive directors Proposed start up of Herts for Learning (formerly Hertfordshire Learning Trust) on 1st Sept 2013 Although the elected board will be in place by 1st April 2013, HfL will not start to trade until September. This will give the directors a term to to familiarise themselves with the company and make any changes they feel are necessary before trading commences.

8 Questions about the Herts for Learning?

9 Contact us: Comments, suggestions or questions?
the HfL project group at:

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