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DESE Grantee Workshop October 4-5, 2018

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1 DESE Grantee Workshop October 4-5, 2018
DESE’s Hodge-Podge Session

2 Disclaimer The contents of this meeting were developed under a grant from the Department of Education.  However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

3 Welcome There have been a few changes lately which has led to some questions: Who is my supervisor? What is this ePegs? What’s the story with program income? Will there be a new 21st CCLC application?

4 Lights On for Afterschool
This is a very important day for the State of Missouri and our Afterschool Programs. How many of you have registered?

5 Trainings MOSAC2 November 2nd – 4th 2018 at Lodge of Four Seasons (Celebration of Afterschool) MAACCE- June 18-20, 2019 At Tan-Tar-A Anticipate 21st CCLC Summer Institute (federally hosted) Reminder from MASN: Advanced Planning With Data trainings (refer to continuation guidance)

6 Due Dates Found on Portal;
Most upcoming is the Guided Reflection- October 15 from

7 Monitoring Schedule was posted on portal;
Receive office notification two months prior to visit; Be sure to read and complete/submit what is asked in the notification; Upload prior to visit; Tool updated and posted on portal; Must be done in TMS Frequently grantees miss responding to CAPS issued in TMS.

8 Kids Care Center Due date sheet is posted on portal, changes occur, always check back for latest; Your attendance must be caught up by the 15th of the previous month to get reimbursement; Must fill out helpdesk tickets if you encounter problems; If problem persists please let us know.

9 Common Concerns Programs changing who is being served (students);
Programs changing which sites are being served; Programs changing which grade levels are being served; Unreasonable field trips- if it seems like entertainment, it probably is. MUST BE EDUCATIONAL!

10 Common Concerns (cont’d)
End-of-Year large amendments with no explanations for amendments requested. Budget amendments not being filled out entirely or detailed enough. Not being submitted for PRIOR approval. Revised this year. More room on pages 2 & 3. They do get returned, delaying process waiting on further details. Not all requests are allowable or approved; reimbursements will not be issued.

11 Common Concerns Not utilizing Portal-literally everything can be found there! Many questions we receive are where to find items… they are all on the Portal; Not reading/referencing grant guidance-original application/continuation reports. Late reporting- stay on top of due dates please, read reminder s from list serv; Activity schedules not detailed.

12 Common Challenges for Programs
Family Engagement Planning, involvement, what do I do…. Y4Y has lots of resources for family engagement: Alignment with School Day Communication with school day is essential! MO Learning Standards readiness/curriculum/missouri-learning-standards Session here at the grantee meeting! Y4Y core elements for aligning with the school day:

13 Common Challenges (cont’d)
Students with Disabilities (lots of questions) DESE Sped staff provided language (posted on portal now under procedures) Many resources available through Y4Y Introduction to Inclusion in 21st CCLC Programs Legal Foundations of Inclusion: What you need to know Training and Developing Staff to Support Inclusion Working with IEPs, Section 504 Plans and Transition Plans And many more……take a look at these!

14 Common Monitoring Findings
Not having monitoring tool ready day of visit; No adult component (part of ESSA law); Financial documentation not prepared; Not having financial person available for questions... Time and effort (must be after the fact);

15 Common Monitoring Findings (cont’d)
Large blanket requests for supplies or consumable supplies. Understand need for some end-of-year cleanup… Not all supplies are consumable if under $1,000 (Consumables are products that consumers use recurrently, i.e., items which "get used up" or discarded. For example consumable office supplies are such products as paper, pens, file folders, Post-it notes, and toner or ink cartridges.) Not following policies and procedures (see next slide);

16 Policies and Procedures
According to Title IV, Part B (which 21st CCLC falls under): (Note: Procedures are not Board approved. Policies are Board approved.) Allowability (Written Procedure) – Reference: 2 CFR Part Cash Management (Written Procedure) – Reference: 2 CFR Part Procurement (Written Procedure) – Reference: 2 CFR Part thru Mandatory Disclosures including: Conflict of Interest – Reference: 2 CFR Part Gratuity – Reference: 2 CFR Part Travel (Written Policy) – Reference: 2 CFR Part

17 September’s Edition LIVE
Fast 5 Live September’s Edition LIVE By: Jimmy Reed

18 What’s New This Year? Reference to Title IV, Part B on forms, etc.
List serve- make sure you are signed up; Must notify us of all equipment and salaries purchased with grant funds. Even if it does not require a budget amendment Procurement (Bear Claw) changes: Micro purchases from $3,500 to $10,000 Small purchases from $150,000 to $250,000 Last date for budget amendments for salaries and equipment is now March 25 (not May 25);

19 What’s New This Year (cont’d)?
Program Income/Parent fees: Condition on award letter; Will be found in all future grant applications; Description on portal and handout; Change to WHEN it must be spent; Must have PRIOR approval from DESE; Must be reported to DESE.

20 What’s New This Year (cont’d)
Coding- see handout; LEA’s required to follow CBOs (non-districts) can use to align to ePeGS budget Parent fees: 5181; subsidy fees: 5397 ePeGS for LEAs (districts) ONLY (more from Kim in a few minutes) Paper budget amendments still required Required for LEAs now, CBOs will be in

21 What’s New This Year (cont’d)
Equipment Inventory – annually (State Auditor CSR) Not as new…..session scanning Why should you get scanned at conference sessions? Clock hours verification Don’t need clock hours……not big brother, but good stewards of money

22 ePeGS

23 ePeGS

24 ePeGS

25 Good News… No longer required to hold advisory councils; but highly encouraged; great community benefit! There is no giant resource book at this gathering; The Celebration of Afterschool will take place at MOSAC2

26 Future Grants? Anticipate cohort 11 - 2019 late winter competition;
Grant writing training January 24, 2019, in Jefferson City.

27 Drawing Turn in tickets at registration table TODAY
Friday breakfast (7:30-8:15) Drawing will be at 8:00 am Friday!!

28 Contact Us New hire for Erika’s assigned grantees coming soon!

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