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I. Beginning Class- always begin class with agendas and bellwork

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1 I. Beginning Class- always begin class with agendas and bellwork
A. On the first day of the week have your agenda open to the current week B. Your agenda for history should be filled out during advisory C. If it’s not completed, fill in the homework for ALL week. 1. Red writing only! (Homework) D. Leave the agenda out so I can check it.

2 1. After I check it, turn to the stamp
page and leave it that way all class. 2. Open to the stamp page every time you have this class. E. Row helpers will grab your spirals for their row only and pass them out. We will rotate row helpers. F. In spirals write 1. Bellwork # (BW#) 2. Date 3. Answer (no need to write the question)

3 II. CLASS WORK A. Lesson Packet 1. This assignment is given out on the first day of the unit. 2. The LP is due on test day. 3. The LP is an extremely important assignment- the test is based off of the LP

4 When??? Advisory/ Lunch/ Enrichment/ Beginning of class…
B. Absent work 1. 1st check the Absent binder 2. Check my website while at home sick 3. 3 things to make up: a. Bellwork (write in spiral) b. Activities c. Homework 4. Ask Mrs. Dickson if you need help! 5. It is YOUR responsibility to get caught up and make sure you have everything done When??? Advisory/ Lunch/ Enrichment/ Beginning of class…

5 A. 1st decide it is a good time to ask (Not lecture time!)
III.NEEDS- Bathroom/ Locker/ Drink A. 1st decide it is a good time to ask (Not lecture time!) B. Fill in agenda and raise the agenda

6 1. Do not come up to me 2. I will give you a signal and then you may come to me and I will sign it. 3. Take Agenda with you (This is your hall pass!)

7 4. No agenda= no passes No exceptions “Sorry”

8 C. Pencils 1. First ask a neighbor quietly
2. Or hold up a quarter (or $20) 3. Give me my pencil back and I will return your quarter

9 4. You may sharpen your pencil
without asking. 5. Only one person at a time at sharpener 6. Make sure it’s an appropriate time

10 D. Need to ask a question or share a comment??
1. RAISE YOUR HAND!! 2. Please do not speak out of turn

11 A. Need markers, scissors, rulers, or
IV. Supplies A. Need markers, scissors, rulers, or glue?? 1. Help yourself- but please clean up the area when done. B. Need lined PAPER?? 1. No need to ask- just grab it C. Need construction paper 1. Please ask C. Need stapler or hole punch?? 1. Help yourself- clean up the area

12 V. Code Words A. Dismissal: FIRST ROW READY 1. (This means binder on desk, floor clean, and books straight) 2. Please NEVER clean up early! 3. I always know what time it is and when class ends

13 B. Passing in papers: PEACE LOVE SOUL!!

14 VI. Papers A. Keep all papers in your History folder
B. When you get an assignment back- check INFINITE CAMPUS to make sure it’s correct 1. THIS IS YOUR JOB!! C. Clean out folders at end of quarter with Mrs. Dickson (9 weeks)

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