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Friends of Saintbridge Pond

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1 Friends of Saintbridge Pond
Annual Maintenance Plan Outline of Tasks for Completion July 2016 – June 2017 for areas of Saintbridge Pond

2 B Spinney / Scenic Route
Friends of Saintbridge Pond Outline of Tasks for Completion July 2016 – June 2017 WORK AREA WORK TO BE DONE WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY A Large Island Take out undergrowth to thin, timber needs to be stacked and treated, and will be removed by an allotmenteer Larger items will be highlighted so they can be removed Consider bird box location and orientation Ken & Rob Don Amey FOSP (PB/KP/WA) Aston to chip in where necessary B Spinney / Scenic Route Reckie undertaken and trees are marked for removal FOSP should support wood removal and contact two allotmenteers which will remove the wood. Willow needs to be removed when the soil is hard, which should be replaced with Hazel whips. Woodchip the logs which are now growing Scythe necessary areas FOSP Dave & Dom FOSP, with help from allotments FOSP FOSP C Perimeter Banks Work must be carried out in a rotational basis and FOSP must be flexible to work with wildflowers. Take control in April.

3 F1 Feeding Area to silt trap
WORK AREA WORK TO BE DONE WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY D Willow Bed Hazel whips being planted to solidify the bank Regular maintenance of the existing vegetation, allow winter to work for you, glycemate the remaining vegetation in the spring to take control. (Funding Required: Winter) FOSP & Justin FOSP E Silt Beds GCC promised to dredge the area in the near future Work on beautifying the perimeter, i.e. Planting attractive species or changing conditions to encourage wildflowers. DP FOSP F1 Feeding Area to silt trap Further develop a grassed area, either in March/April or September/October time of year. (Funding Required: Oct) Trees promised to be cut back by GCC Seed in the autumn, need to allow plants to bounce back. FOSP GCC FOSP F2 Fruit Trees Prune and train the roses and trees in the community gardens over autumn. This can be added to by FOSP members who want a less conventional job. Ken & Rob, with support from FOSP. G Silt Traps This is ongoing work to clear the traps

4 J Container & Notice Board
WORK AREA WORK TO BE DONE WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY H Community Gardens NB – Community gardens includes F2 Orchard Raised beds have to be moved and trained on a six year cycle with three different types of fruit. Greenhouse and cold frames need to be constructed. Open gardens and grassed area need to be weed controlled with green manure, after which easy frequent maintenance needs to take place. Rob and Ken predominently, however open access to FOSP members looking for something different. I Smaller Island Be led by swans, plan is to make a raft that rises with the water level so swans can make a safe nest (Sept onwards) Clear the area of willow, replace with reeds and flag, create and install Plantoon. (Wood from Paul Wildgoose) Aston Project if possible, if not KP, Rob, WA J Container & Notice Board Paint the container with protective paint Install container for and move GL4’s items with committee Install measures to prevent flooding Itinerary to be conducted twice per year (Aug/Sept & Jan) MM, KP KP & GL4 KP & FOSP TB K Bird Boxes Bird boxes, need to be cleaned and contents or evidence recorded. Need to consider the position of new boxes and if existing boxes are in good places or need to be relocated. What species could be homed in boxes on the large island? PB for birds & WA for maps

5 WORK AREA WORK TO BE DONE WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY Chicane These bars are to be pained to look more professional and natural, Green Matt paint necessary to give sun protection and is cheap. Would need permission from GCC. FOSP Notice Board One at the start of the spinney, one by the play area/pine road. Play Area or Equipment Natural play area still in consideration, would diversify site purposes for green flag, however further research from the public required. (Potential Funding Required 2017) FOSP should consider the maintenance for the equipment, and the liability that ensues of a play area near water. There are however no play areas in the ward. A potential location would be at the double silt trap end of the spinney, where young people regularly play already, there are some open but sheltered spaces to be utilised. The dry balancing pond cannot be used as its purpose is flooding, and proximity to houses needs to be considered. A small and natural area would be desirable. Investigation by one member, Responsibility based on scale of work to be done. Seating log by F1 Log has rolled into the pond, need to produce a slip trench in order to prevent this happening again in future. KP & FOSP

6 WORK AREA WORK TO BE DONE WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY Wildflowers The map of wildflowers and bulbs need to be reviewed in the near future and re-evaluated with new ideas. Vegetation needs to be kept under control. FOSP Signage Larger signs than the metal existing ones are necessary, however this is low priority, they will come with time and this will be linked to the green flag. Two existing interpretation boards need to be reconsidered. FOSP (GCC)


8 July

9 August

10 September

11 October

12 November

13 December

14 January

15 February

16 March

17 April

18 May

19 June

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