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Radiocarbon Dating Daniel De Schepper NCSS. Conception 1946 suggests that 14 C exists in living matter Confirmed a year later 1949 found that several.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiocarbon Dating Daniel De Schepper NCSS. Conception 1946 suggests that 14 C exists in living matter Confirmed a year later 1949 found that several."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiocarbon Dating Daniel De Schepper NCSS

2 Conception 1946 suggests that 14 C exists in living matter Confirmed a year later 1949 found that several trees contained roughly the same amount of activity due to 14 C 1960 won Nobel prize Willard Libby

3 Atmospheric neutron intensity and 14 C production 14 N + 1 n 14 C + 1 H CO 2 undergoes rapid equilibrium in the atmosphere

4 Assumptions 14 C production is constant The biosphere and atmosphere have roughly the same 14 C concentration After death there is no 14 C exchange and it is only affected by radioactive decay

5 Some Deviations Glacial effects Human activity Variations in natural production rate

6 Glacial effects CO 2 solubility is temperature dependant

7 Human activity Fossil fuel (Suess) effect and bomb effect

8 Variations in production rate Major cause of Suess wiggles

9 The need for calibration –Dendrochronology X-axis spans 2000 calendar years Y-axis is in radiocarbon age (BP) where 0 BP = 1950 AD

10 Sample Preparation Unearth sample Physical separation Treat with acid Convert carbon to CO 2 via combustion Remove impurities (ie nitrogen oxides, sulfur, products of incomplete combustion, and radon) Isolate carbon: 2 Mg + CO 2 MgO + C Limit exposure to air

11 Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Upper age limit 40,000 years Lower age limit 200 years

12 Archaeology 3100 to 4000 BC* 1423 to 1445 AD* 1260 to 1390 AD* * Radiocarbon date

13 Conclusions There are errors in radiocarbon dating due to assumptions this calls for calibration With this radiocarbon dating can be used to determine the age of a given sample Though variation still persists

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