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Population Growth in Lemna minor

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1 Population Growth in Lemna minor

2 Pre-Lab: Important Notes & Homework
Safety: goggles, aprons, gloves Data collection: EVERY DAY for 1st week HW: Become familiar with background info & procedures (S-1 – S-3 & S-5 – S-9). If anything is unclear, write it down for discussion on 10/28. Copy Data tables, pre-lab questions (S-4) and post lab questions (S-10) into your notebook Draw proper measuring technique for pipette, beaker, graduated cylinder

3 Pre-Lab: Class work Lecture / discussion
Each person will complete the following tasks in their own notebook. Feel free to discuss with group mates. Answer the Pre-lab questions found on S-4 (you should have already copied the questions.) Draw pictures of the three sets of test tubes you are establishing. Make sure to label contents of each set. Draw figure 3

4 Lecture / Discussion Several Objectives
How L. minor population growth rate reacts in differing environments (pollution issues) Determining r and K (biotic potential and its relationship to population growth ) Practice with designing / running an experiment (practice for Paper 3)

5 Lecture / Discussion Why need a control? Why have replicates?
What is carrying capacity? What part of the curve shows carrying capacity? Is that in a logistic growth curve or exponential growth curve? What is biotic potential?

6 Determining Population Size
Where, d means change N means Number of individuals Nt is N at any given time (t) N0 is N at time = zero r is a constant: population’s intrinsic rate of increase rm = biotic potential K is carrying capacity e is Euler’s constant (number) = 2.72

7 Exponential population growth equation:
dN/dt=rN Nt = N0ert Logistic population growth equation: dN/dt = rN [(K-N)/K] Allows us to determine intrinsic rate. Or if given r, can predict N at future time.

8 Drawings Test tubes Beaker, graduated cylinder, pipette the water?
L. minor? Any treatments:pH buffer, solutions, screens & rubberbands? Plastic wrap with holes & rubberbands? Beaker, graduated cylinder, pipette The meniscus? Pipette at 90° angle to tabletop?

9 Data Tables Three different tests x three replicates = 9 test tubes
Need a data table / each test tube

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