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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrates

2 What is an invertebrate
What is an invertebrate? An invertebrate is an animal without a backbone. INSECTS SQUIDS SNAILS AND CLAMS SPIDER AND TICKS


4 insects

5 Snails squids and clams

6 Insects characteristics
Insects have certain characteristics. They have six legs. They have three body parts, a head, a thorax and an abdomen. They have wings. They are by far the largest animal group. They also have an outer or exoskeleton made of a substance called chitin..

7 Spider and ticks

8 Squids snails and clams characteristics
. Squid and octopi are also mollusks but we put them on a different page because they are very cool and actually somewhat intelligent. Clams are not known for their intelligence. Mollusks are known to be the first animals to have developed gills.

9 Spiders characteristics
English: Identifying characteristics of the Class Arachnida (whose members include spiders, ticks and mites): 4 pairs of legs cephalothorax abdomen

10 Rodrigo Ochoa Mayagoitia Ricardo Godinez Aguilar
INVERTEBRATES Rodrigo Ochoa Mayagoitia Ricardo Godinez Aguilar

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