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Electromagnetic Waves

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1 Electromagnetic Waves
9th Grade Science Chapter 13A Electromagnetic Waves

2 Electromagnetic Waves
Magnetic Field Area around a magnet where the magnet can be detected Produced by magnet OR moving electric charge

3 Electromagnetic Waves
Electric Field Area around a charge where the charge can be detected Charges move due to the field

4 Electromagnetic waves
Caused by moving electric charge Perpendicular electric and magnetic waves Motion of both fields is perpendicular to direction of travel of wave

5 Electromagnetic wave Properties
Transfer of energy: EM fields interact with other charges and move them Speed: Travel at m/s in vacuum Written as 3 x 108 m/s Travels more slowly through medium

6 Electromagnetic Waves
Particle/wave duality: Photoelectric effect observed by Heinrich Hertz in 1887 Requires minimum frequency of light Intensity of light affects amount of electricity produced, but not IF light is produced Light is not behaving like a wave!

7 Electromagnetic waves
Photoelectric effect: Max Plank (1901): Amount of energy related to frequency of a wave Amount called quantum Albert Einstein (1905): Light carries ‘packets’ of energy depending on frequency Photon Light behaves as both wave AND as particle!

8 Duality of Nature Analysis of motion shows:
All moving objects move as both particles and waves The bigger the particle, the less like a wave Newtonian Mechanics The smaller the particle, the more like a wave Quantum Mechanics

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