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Broad Outline of the Survey

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1 Broad Outline of the Survey
Copyrightable subject matter and term Limits to the scope of copyrightable subject matter Subject matter excluded from copyright Protection of works by neighboring & sui generis rights Exhaustion Copyright limitations Copyright enforcement (Remedies and injunctions) Enforcement in the digital environment So this is the broad outline of the survey. We ask about the “law” in a country,” defined broadly to include legislated law, important court decisions, and regulations that affect the operation of the law. Since the database and index are meant to describe changes in law over time, we ask respondents to tell us what the state of the law was in 1990, and then to describe each change to the since then. We ask for the year of the legislated law, decision, or regulation; we ask respondents to give us a citation which we can have students check and we can include in the published dataset, and we ask for any notes or comments if needed. It is divided into eight subsections. Over the past year we have added some and taken some away. We originally had a huge amount of “scope” questions, which included types of works usually covered, some types of information never covered or often excluded, and some other types of questions that weren’t about types of works at all. We cut some back and divided these into the first four categories here. We are going to go through these categories in a little more detail and end with some screenshots showing some of the actual questions.












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