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The Order of Salvation Glorification Lesson 14.

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1 The Order of Salvation Glorification Lesson 14

2 Hymn 67:1,5 1.“Come, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!” pray the Spirit and the Bride. Come upon the clouds of heaven with your angels at your side. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Evermore with us abide.

3 Hymn 67:1,5 5.When the tombs at last break open and the throngs from far and near, Gath’ring in your holy city, in your festal hall appear, Lord, let us then not be missing, though we’re often tardy here.

4 Sanctification & the Lord’s Prayer
Homework question – lesson 12: “There are two petitions in the Lord’s Prayer that are specifically related to the matter of sanctification. (Remember: sanctification is about avoiding bad works and doing good works.) Which? 6th: Lead us not into temptation = Give us strength to be obedient 3rd: Your will be done = Have us be obedient

5 The chain of salvation Election Gospel call Inward call Conversion
Regeneration Justification Sanctification Glorification

6 wonderful, praiseworthy
Term Glori - fy wonderful, praiseworthy to make, to declare Glorify = to make glorious, to change into the most perfect state Whereas “justify” is about being declared just (God pretends), both “sanctify” and “glorify” are about being made holy and glorious (it is real).

7 Life has three stages soul body soul body

8  Life has three stages Present State Intermediate State Future State
Body & soul. Sinful Only soul. Sinless Body & soul. Sinless

9 Bible Study: 1 Corinthians 15
1. If a bodily resurrection is impossible, the human Jesus Christ could not have risen either. And if Christ has not risen, all who believe in the risen Christ believe in vain. 2. No 3. Our bodies will no longer be mortal or perishable. Nor will we be sinful.

10 The intermediate state
God has told us very little about our existence in the intermediate state. It is also difficult for us to imagine what our existence is like without our own bodies The Bible does tell us - people have a conscious existence between death and resurrection - people have an awareness of the continuation of world history Given the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, this applies to both believers and unbelievers.

11 The intermediate state
The intermediate state is perfect in regard to sin: the elect no longer sin. However, the intermediate state is imperfect in regard to creation: the elect no longer have a body. Thus also the intermediate state knows sorrow and grief, just as God does. We should not confuse the intermediate state (heaven today) with the future state (the new creation).

12 Soul sleep? Some Christians believe that when a person dies, their soul falls asleep. Thus, in the experience of the person, the moment of dying and the moment of resurrection are the same. The same way the moment you fall asleep and the moment you wake up are experienced as being the same moment. Such Christians will claim you cannot say of a person who has died that they have gone to heaven or hell. They don’t go anywhere until Christ returns.

13  Soul sleep? The doctrine of soul sleep is based on:
- Bible texts which indicate that dead people do not praise God (e.g. Psalm 30:9, Psalm 88:11) - Bible texts which refer to being dead as being asleep (e.g. 1 Corinthians 15:51) The denial of soul sleep is based on: - Bible texts that speak of the deceased being with God (e.g. Luke 23:43; Philippians 1:23; Revelation 6:9)

14  Soul sleep? The doctrine of soul sleep is based on:
- Bible texts which indicate that dead people do not praise God (e.g. Psalm 30:9, Psalm 88:11) - Bible texts which refer to being dead as being asleep (e.g. 1 Corinthians 15:51) The denial of soul sleep is based on: - Bible texts that speak of the deceased being with God (e.g. Luke 23:43; Philippians 1:23; Revelation 6:9) The refutation of soul sleep argues - dead people do not praise God with their bodies - ‘asleep’ refers to the body not functioning as a living organ

15  Future State The future state is also clouded in mystery.
Everything will be the old, yet everything will be so renewed that it will be new. - this creation will be refined as by fire - you’ll have your own body, but without imperfections What will life be like in the new creation? Many assume we will live as Adam and Eve were supposed to have lived. I.e. we will continue to develop this earth and universe. There will be differences though. One is that there will be no marriage and pro-creation.

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