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The HFC Opportunity David Doniger, NRDC Climate Center

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1 The HFC Opportunity David Doniger, NRDC Climate Center
Indo-US Workshop on Hydrofluorocarbons February 18, 2011

2 The Montreal Protocol Has Accomplished Three Big Things
Unparalleled international cooperation – 20+ years of joint action by developed and developing countries. We have saved the ozone layer, saving millions of lives. We have delivered huge climate benefits – 5-6 times Kyoto reduction. 2

3 Montreal’s Three-Part Formula for Success
Science-based decision-making, schedules based on technology and economics. Developed countries take the lead, developing countries follow with “grace period.” Developed countries provide financial and technical assistance. 3

4 HFC Growth Threatens Montreal’s Success
Science Assessment Panel: “Projections of HFC growth scenarios that assume no controls suggest that by 2050, GWP-weighted emissions of HFCs can be comparable to GWP-weighted emissions of CFCs at their peak in 1988.”  So every year we let HFCs grow, we lose a piece of Montreal’s climate benefit.  By 2050 HFCs could be doing as much climate damage as CFCs 20 years ago.  4

5 Phase-Down Roadmap Benefits Industry, Governments, NGOs
Industry is moving in developed countries. Developing country industries and governments need to avoid “dead end” uncompetitive solutions and “double transitions.” Developed country governments are willing to provide more funding now so they don’t have to pay twice. Civil society needs to secure climate benefits to avoid catastrophic risks. 5

6 HFC Opportunity – Now Is the Time
Montreal process has the expertise, the capacity to focus on this problem, and the trust of parties, industry, and civil society. High risks from delay and indecision, for industry, governments, and the environment. High rewards for planning ahead and controlling your own future. 6

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