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Seeing My Learning Style

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1 Seeing My Learning Style
Rebeca Shontz COM/516 October 7th, 2013 Patricia Davis

2 “ If you tell me, I will listen. if you show me, I will see
“ If you tell me, I will listen. if you show me, I will see. If you let me experience, I will learn.” Lao- Tse

3 What is learning Style? By the experts
Rita Dunn defines learning styles as the way to concentrate on processes, internalize and remember information. (Muhammad, 2011, p. 29) Kolb focuses on learning by feeling watching and listening, as well, thinking and doing. (Muhammad, 2011, p. 30)

4 Learning Styles Types Visual learners: need to see to gain knowledge, from visual displays, diagrams illustrations, and videos. Auditory learners: need to listen to obtain information, from verbal lectures, discussions, and listening. Tactile/ kinesthetic learners: need to do in order to learn, from hands- on approach, exploring around, and moving.

5 What’s my learning style? Results
Education Planner org. People. usd. eDU Auditory: 25% Visual: 40% Tactile: 35% Visual A-7 Auditory B-3 Kinesthetic C-6

6 I am VISUAL! As a visual learner I:
I need a detailed schedule of what I need to complete I need written directions I learn using images, pictures, graphic organizers and illustrations I picture everything in my mind

7 How I know IT? I love to watch movies!
I love Power Points and videos to learn! When I want to memorize information, I picture it in my mind! I love index cards to write words and definitions. I seat by the front seat. I love to look around anytime and anywhere.

8 How you can help me? Highlight important points!
Give me written clear directions! Set a schedule! Use visual words! Show me!

9 References

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