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TODAY: of the Lamb Chapters TODAY: of the Lamb Chapters

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2 TODAY: of the Lamb Chapters 19-20

3 What is the victory? Jesus returns to set up His kingdom

4 Nazareth Meddigo Jordan River Sea of Galilee Jezreel Valley of Jezreel
Mt. Carmel

5 What is the victory? Jesus returns to set up His kingdom

6 The victory is celebrated (1-10)
All heaven erupts in praise and worship

7 Why will heaven rejoice?
Religious corruption will be abolished (v.2) Persecution of the faithful will be avenged (v.2) God alone will receive the worship He deserves (5-6) The Bride will be presented to the Lamb (7-10)

8 The victory is centered around Christ (11-16)
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” v.10 Christ’s coming is the focus of Bible prophecy

9 The vision of the coming conqueror (v.11)
The mission of the coming conqueror (v.11) The glory of the coming conqueror (v.12-16) His deity, His incarnation, His sovereign rule (‘King of kings and Lord of lords’)

10 The victory is complete
By His overcoming mankind’s rebellion (v.17-21) By His overcoming Satan (ch. 20)

11 Oh blessed Lamb once slain Will reign for evermore…
He is Lord

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