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Raghuveer K. Vinukollu Class Term Project – GIS in Water Resources

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1 Raghuveer K. Vinukollu Class Term Project – GIS in Water Resources
November 30, 2004 Determination of Spatially-Distributed Crop Water Requirements at Regional Level using ArcET Utility Raghuveer K. Vinukollu Class Term Project – GIS in Water Resources

2 Introduction Area: Semi-arid

3 Introduction Finite water resources
Increasing urban and industrial water demand Decreasing agricultural supply

4 Why GIS ? Point estimate Regional estimate

5 Objectives Estimate the reference ET values and the crop water requirements generated using ArcET; Etc = ETo x Kc Compare the regional estimates of reference ET values with those generated using soil water balance method; and, Evaluate the reliability of ArcET for practical purposes


7 ArcET procedure Source:

8 Data Meteorological data -- Monthly precipitation data
-- Monthly temperature data Landuse data -- crop distribution in the study area DEM of the study area Site-specific crop coefficients Location and elevation of the meteorological stations

9 (SCS modified Blanney-Criddle eqn.)
Procedure Pre-process Data ArcET Regional ET (Hargreaves eqn.) Regional ET (SCS modified Blanney-Criddle eqn.) ETo - ER Comparison Crop water requirement 50, 75 and 95 % probability for non-exceedence Climatic Scenarios



12 Discussion Design of new irrigation system Rough estimation
Usefulness Design of new irrigation system Rough estimation Interpolation of temperature and precipitation using elevation Limitation Irrigation water management and scheduling Soil water balance

13 Future work ArcET – More compatible versions file formats
ArcET – Soil water balance ArcET – Cell by cell computation of IWR

14 Acknowledgements Daniele Zaccaria Shujun Li

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