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Announcements Final Exam: Project Due on Monday at noon Central Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Final Exam: Project Due on Monday at noon Central Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Final Exam: Project Due on Monday at noon Central Time

2 Project Project Due Monday at Noon Central Time Turn in to TA (email)
.cpp File .doc “What I learned” file .txt Data File Confirm that TA Received Your Program No Late Projects Accepted!

3 Documentation, Etc. Comments: Analysis: Vectors Passed to Functions
Document Approach to Problem Outline Design Above main() Briefly Describe Functions Comment Any Unobvious Code Analysis: What Did You Learn from the Project? What Went Wrong? What Would You Do Differently? Vectors Passed to Functions

4 Final Exam 2 Hours 200 Points 30% of Grade Must Take to Pass Course

5 Need to Know for Final Everything Through Exam 2 Plus:
Passing Arrays to Functions Array Initialization Pass by Reference Vectors

6 Final Exam 200 Points Total – 30% of Final Grade
60 points Matching or Short Answer or Multiple Choice (Terminology, Operators, C++ Basics) 30 Points Program Output 80 Points Programming (Full Programs) 30 Points Essay

7 Final Exam Study Previous Exams and Quizzes
Make Sure to Study Arrays, Pass by Reference, and Vectors (i.e., New Stuff) Have fun 8) !!

8 What Have You Learned? Logical Thinking, Design, Planning Programming
What a Computer Is and Isn’t Not Intimidated by Computers and/or CS Majors… …but Respect for What Programmers Do “Human Side” of Writing Programs “Real World” Issues, Negotiation, Expectations That You Really Really Don’t Want to Go into CS

9 Future if (interest_in_cs == “waning”) goodLuckInYourMajor(); else { cs201: JAVA language (1 semester) } Fun Stuff – pointers, recursion, classes, structures, constructors, operator overloading (tres’ cool), more practical programming

10 I Love Each and Every One of You!!!
8) Good Luck on Exams!

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