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TMACOG Watersheds July 25, 2018

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1 TMACOG Watersheds July 25, 2018
Photo Courtesy of Black Swamp Conservancy July 25, 2018 Sandra Kosek-Sills, Ohio Lake Erie Commission; and Rick Wilson, Ohio EPA-DSW

2 Annex 4 Goals (Ohio waters of Lake Erie)
Western Basin Goal Reduce the amount of cyanobacteria biomass to mild levels 90% of the time. Central Basin Goal Maximum load (6,000 Metric Tons Annually) that would result in a dissolved oxygen concentration of at least 2 mg/L in the bottom waters during the summer stratified period.

3 Ohio Domestic Action Plan
6) Ohio EPA and ODA will coordinate with local entities in the development of Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) or Nonpoint Source Implementation Strategies with a focus on priority HUC12 watersheds that are not already covered by a WIP or NPS-IS, starting with watersheds in the southern part of the Maumee River watershed

4 What is a 9 Element Nonpoint Source Implementation Strategy
Strategic Watershed Implementation Plan A summary of watershed characteristics → Causes Sources, Critical Areas, Goals, Objectives, PROJECTS. Each project description meets U.S. EPA’s 9-essential elements Clean Water $$$$$$$

5 Summary of the 9-essential elements

6 Nonpoint Source Implementation Strategies—Making it Simple—
Summarize Watershed Characteristics List Causes and Sources of Impairment Develop Projects (9-Elements) Establish Strategic Objectives Develop and Describe Critical Areas Establish Strategic Goals

7 The NPS-IS is all about the Projects!
The NPS-IS is a planning document — a bookshelf of projects from Short-term to Long-term that can be emptied and filled Short Term projects are ready-to-go projects what we want to see meeting U.S. EPA’s 9 Essential Elements.

8 9-Element Watersheds 48 NPS-IS (today) 25 Equivalent 62 AMDAT There are 1538 HUC-12 Watersheds in Ohio

9 Priority Watersheds

10 The value of an NPS-IS Project and Funding Eligibility
At-the-Ready Eligible Projects (GLRI example) What’s wrong, let’s fix it! Establishes Goals, Objectives, Projects, Timelines A Living—Updateable Implementation Document Current Status

11 Greg Nageotte, ODA-DSWC 614-265-6619
Need Assistance? All Approved NPS-IS plans are available here: Give us a call! Rick Wilson, OEPA-DSW Greg Nageotte, ODA-DSWC

12 Thank You Questions?

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