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Tryllian Agent Technology AgentLink 21 January 2002 Christine Karman.

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Presentation on theme: "Tryllian Agent Technology AgentLink 21 January 2002 Christine Karman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tryllian Agent Technology AgentLink 21 January 2002 Christine Karman

2 Agenda n Introduction n Tryllian, the company n Agent technology n Example applications

3 Tryllian n Software agent company n Founded in 1998 n Main investors GIMV, FLV, NIF, NPM. n Focus on business integration and wireless apps

4 Tryllian Facts and Figures n CEO Han Witvoet n Founder Christine Karman n 40 employees n Head Office Amsterdam n Sales Office San Francisco n Initial revenues achieved

5 Tryllian: what do we do? n Software Manufacturer n Application Development Kit n Focus: Business Integration

6 Business Integration n Integrating businesses, processes, apps: –Distributed organizations –Across companies –Heterogeneous business environments –Multi platform n Key features: –Code mobility –Runtime component behavior

7 Container scanning 95% Customs Scan Forwarder Transporters Final destination Container Selection Scan Appointment Demo Port of Rotterdam Transportation Appointment 5%

8 System overview Agent system Customs Forwarder Agents External transporter Agents Scan Agent Internal transporter Agent 3 6 XML-file SMS- message Transporter servlet Scan servlet 8 Transporter Output Agent 1 4 2 9 7 5 8 Transport list Agent Excel-file

9 Agent Development Kit n The Agent Foundation Classes (AFC) providing tools, libraries, building blocks and examples for building Agent Based Applications n The Agent Runtime Environment (ARE) a habitat for hosting agents developed using the AFC n Agent Management Tools for managing agents on a server

10 ADK System Architecture


12 Examples

13 Mobile Dating n SMS UI n Many responses to one query n Responses have to be answered or discouraged n High user cost for unwanted interactions

14 Agent Based Dating: FROG

15 Why Agents? n Initial interaction via Web: rich User Interface n Agent handles unwanted interactions n User cost only for wanted interactions n Cost control for both User and Telco n Appealing growth path

16 FROG dating app n Agent server at central (Telco) location n Users own their agent(s) n Users specify preferences n Agents use preferences for controlling traffic n Agents can integrate with other apps

17 FROG Advantages n Appealing to user n Limits unwanted traffic n Expandable n Provides control over traffic n Flexible UI: SMS, email, etc. n Agent ties User to Telco

18 Future directions n Agent is on the watch for new info n Agent monitors traffic, etc. info and sends you custom notifications n In Sync with future wireless technology n Filtering of incoming messages, and calls

19 Another example

20 Overview Network discovery Remote software installation Database discovery Data retrieval Upgrade Agent functionality dynamically

21 Architecture

22 User Interface

23 Web Services n Agents talk to outside world, talking webservices n Agents implement webservices n Common ground: Using the internet as a computing platform, integrating businesses

24 Why Agents in Webservices? n Code mobility n Agent autonomy and dynamism n Ease of understanding n Distributed Transaction Management

25 Conclusion n Agent mobility provides easy and adaptable global integration of business processes n Agent autonomy and dynamism provide easy and fast adaptation to changing markets and circumstances

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