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Mrs. Isenberg Cool Spring Elementary Room 9

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1 Mrs. Isenberg Cool Spring Elementary Room 9

2 8:00-9:00 Math 9:00-9:30 Recess & Snack 9:30-11:30 Language Arts 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12:30 WIN 12:30-1:30 Specials 1:30-1:45 Recess 1:45-2:30 Science or Social Studies

3 We use the LCPS model called Pathways. Language Arts
Writer’s Workshop Word study Reading Reader’s Workshop Read aloud Shared reading Independent reading Handwriting D’Nealian

4 Before each unit, the students will take a pretest on the upcoming unit. (These will NOT come home.)
Your child will be grouped according to their knowledge and needs for this unit. These groups can vary from unit to unit. We will cover the following topics: place value, operations (addition and subtraction), money, geometry, fractions, time, graphing, and measurement.

5 Your child will be introduced to many exciting units in science and social studies.
Science- Scientific method, life cycles, habitats, matter, magnets, animal adaptations, weather, and plants Social Studies- Citizenship, government, famous Americans, maps, geography, Native Americans, Jamestown, economics, communities, Mexico, and Canada A study sheet will come home a couple of days prior to the test so that you can help your child prepare for the test.

6 Grading Our report card program is PHOENIX.
Students receive effort grades in each subject area. O: Outstanding S: Satisfactory N: Needs Improvement Students receive progress indicators in each subtopic. A rubric will be on top of every test to clarify the grade. E: Exceeds Standard M: Meets Standard P: Progressing Toward Standard B: Performing Below Grade Level

7 Math homework is given on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
On Thursdays, you will need to give your child a spelling practice test. This will help your child prepare for their test on Friday. Students should read every night. Homework is not graded but it does give your child an opportunity to reinforce skills taught in school and reinforces responsibility. Homework will vary on short weeks.

8 Planners Students write down their own assignments. I will initial/stamp the planner once they are done. Please review the work with your child. Then, initial or sign the planner.

9 LCPS initiative that supports students’ learning of content through authentic learning experiences which include opportunities for students to develop critical thinking, communication and collaborative skills. Has four key elements: Significant content and competencies Authentic challenging problems in the world Public product for the world Connected with the world Variety of technology tools are incorporated into the learning experience which students use to research, create digital content and materials, presentations as well as connect with outside experts related to the unit of study. Students are learning how to use technology in a meaningful way and for a variety of purposes. Provides students the opportunity to learn and engage with content in a meaningful and deeper manner. Students and teachers have the flexibility to exercise creativity in both teaching and learning.

10 All of the faculty at Cool Spring participates in a positive behavior program (PBIS).
Rules are posted in the classroom, hallway, bathroom, lunchroom and bus. When a student is caught showing Penguin Pride (respect myself, respect others, respect property) they are rewarded with a fish. Several fish are chosen on Friday and those students receive a prize from the prize box. We do use CLASS DOJO in our room, as well.

11 You can email me, send in notes, or call the office.
You can me at: Occasionally, I will write notes in your child’s planner. Office communication will come through the Thursday folder. If your child has a change of dismissal, please notify both the office and myself prior to 1:30. If your child is going to be absent, you can use

12 Completed assignments will come home in this folder.
Please be sure to sign the folder each week. Please make sure that they come back on Friday!

13 LCPS continues to expand the use of ParentVue to provide parents/guardians secure, convenient any-time access to their students’ information. Parents may update information including: health information, who may pick up/drop off students, access grades and more. Most First Day packet forms (i.e. Rights and Responsibilities, Acceptable Use of Technology, school closing notifications, FLE opt-out) will now be done through ParentVue. Report cards will now be available electronically via ParentVue. Cool Spring will not be sending a paper copy of students’ report card unless requested. The report card can be accessed through the ParentVue app and website. Families who would prefer a paper copy of the report card must complete the Report Card Paper Copy Request Form. Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to activate their ParentVue account. If you need a new activation code, contact the office.

14 Students are unable to bring in food treats for their classmates.
Invitations can only be passed out if ALL students are invited. Please refer to the Family Handbook for more information.

15 Medication The VA State Medication Guidelines indicate that all medications must come from home. LCPS is no longer stocking and providing acetaminophen, or any other unauthorized medication to students.  Instead, of acetaminophen, students may be given water, rest and ice for headaches. Health Clinic staff will still be checking students’ temperature to ensure that they can remain at school. Parents or guardians who prefer to have acetaminophen available at school for their child can complete the Authorization for Medication Administration form and bring the completed form along with a small bottle of acetaminophen to the health office.

16 Snack Our class will have a working snack daily.
Snack should be easy to eat, with no utensils needed.  Please do not send a drink for snack – students are welcome to keep a water bottle at their desk throughout the day.  As a second grade team, we are strongly encouraging our students to bring healthy snacks. Here is a list of healthy snacks. Some Suggested Snacks Fruit Vegetables Graham crackers Goldfish crackers Pretzels Raisins Cheese sticks

17 Before you go… You can leave a note on your child’s desk using the paper provided. Please see the rectangular table for volunteer opportunities and donation requests.  Please sign up for a conference!

18 Thank you for sharing your child with me
Thank you for sharing your child with me. It’s going to be a great year full of learning and new adventures!

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