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Teen Dating Violence. What is dating violence? It is what happens in a teen dating relationship when one person uses physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

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Presentation on theme: "Teen Dating Violence. What is dating violence? It is what happens in a teen dating relationship when one person uses physical, emotional, or sexual abuse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teen Dating Violence

2 What is dating violence? It is what happens in a teen dating relationship when one person uses physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to gain power and control over the other.

3 What We Need to Know… Studies show that at least one in ten teens will be in an abusive relationship at one point In abusive relationships, 95% of the time, the boyfriend is abusing the girlfriend. It is HIGHLY likely that someone you know has experienced teen dating violence first hand!!!

4 Surveys… A national survey found that 1 in 11 high school students say that they have been hit, slapped, or hurt on purpose by their boyfriend or girlfriend in the past year. 1 in 11 also reported that they has been forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to. Far greater numbers (96%) report emotional and psychological abuse in their dating relationships.


6 Hitting Slapping Punching Shoving Kicking Biting Hair Pulling Includes the use of a weapon!

7 If a boyfriend or girlfriend: –Humiliates you –Insults you –Swears at you –Attempts to control your activities –Tries to destroy your self esteem –Tries to isolate you from family and friends –Threatens you with violence

8 The terms that refers to the forced or unwanted sexual activity or rape. It could also be considered sexual abuse to coerce or pressure someone to engage in sexual activity with someone who is under the influence or drugs or alcohol.

9 What can you Do? Know the early warning signs when youre in a relationship that could become violent. If you are in a violent or potentially violent relationship, take the following steps: –Make a plan to get help! –Realize that the violence will not stop or go away.

10 What Else… Be on the lookout for friends that may be in violent relationships Signs to look for: –Change in style of appearance –Seem to loose confidence in themselves –Difficulty making choices –Stopping spending time with family and friends – Begin to fail classes and or quit school –Turn to using drugs or alcohol –Unexplainable crying or avoidance

11 save their life.It sounds like an after-school special, but if you suspect that someone you love is being abused, take action!!! You really could save their life.

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