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Charge to the Group for Day 1

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Presentation on theme: "Charge to the Group for Day 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charge to the Group for Day 1
Charge to the Group for Day 1. Don Marianos, DDS, MPH The Question we must ask ourselves in this workshop. . .

2 Is the Sun Rising . . .

3 or Setting on Dental Public Health?

4 Enhancing the DPH Workforce and Infrastructure
Use the diversity of the participants to consider innovative and creative new approaches to improve the DPH workforce & infrastructure. Build on existing efforts and identify new partners. Create a draft ACTION PLAN and assign organizational responsibilities Establish a core group to coordinate implementation of the Action Plan

5 Brainstorm approaches to improve the DPH Workforce
Day One Morning Goals Brainstorm approaches to improve the DPH Workforce Identify 3 most critical EDUCATION objectives Identify 3 most critical PRACTICE objectives Identify 3 most critical RESEARCH objectives

6 Networking Lunch Identify organizations and resources EXTERNAL to public health Identify organizations and resources EXTERNAL to dentistry Organizations not present at this meeting Institutional policymakers Public policymakers

7 Afternoon - Day One Define and Prioritize EDUCATION objectives as a series of practical action steps Define and Prioritize RESEARCH objectives as a series of practical action steps

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