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Age of Reason.

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1 Age of Reason

2 Europe Before the Scientific Revolution
Renaissance A rebirth of learning and the arts Inspired curiosity in many fields Scholars began to question ideas that had been “accepted” for hundreds of yrs Reformation: prompted the challenging of accepted ways of thinking about God and salvation Truth of ideas revolved around Bible or ancient Greek or Roman scholars

3 Causes of the Scientific Revolution
Renaissance inspired new curiosities Exploration (broaden European horizons) Science challenges old ways of thought Printing press Work of Scientists (i.e., astronomers, Newton, advancements in medicine)

4 And a revolution begins
The Scientific Revolution was a new way of thinking about the natural world. That way was based upon careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs Traveling the world opened up Europeans to this idea that there was a whole world of new truths to be found.

5 Geocentric theory – Middle Ages view
Most scholars believed that the earth was an immovable object located at the center of the universe-Geocentric theory Common sense seemed to support this view Geocentric theory came from Aristotle Religion also supported this theory

6 Heliocentric Theory New way of thinking Sun-centered view of universe
Developed by Nicolaus Copernicus Rejected by clergy because it contradicted with religious views Result: Copernicus did NOT publish findings until the last year of his life

1. Scientific Revolution convinced many European thinkers about power of reason 2. Scientific method and reason led to discoveries about physical world 3. Wondered if reason could be used to study human nature, society New generation of philosophers, 1600s Viewed reason as best way to understand truth Concluded reason could be used to solve all human problems The relationship between government and its people is challenged. This time of optimism now called the Enlightenment

8 What is the Enlightenment?
THE ENLIGHTENMENT OCCURRED B/W Thinkers believed reason could be used to uncover the laws that govern human life Once the laws were known people could make society better Believed that reason was a much better guide than faith or tradition Reason is the “light” that reveals human error and showed the way to truth

9 Defining The Age of Enlightenment
A period of intellectual exchange in Europe during the 18th century Belief in the idea of “progress” A desire for political and social change

10 Beliefs Belief in Progress Secular Outlook
Through reason a better society was possible through progress we would continue to expand our knowledge in the sciences Secular Outlook More worldly view of life church is continuing to lose power questioning of all church beliefs Importance Of the Individual own ability to reason importance of the individual in society Individual achievement

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