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Revitalizing the Local Economy: TIF Districts, Business Districts, and Other Development Tools Presented by: David J. Silverman Mary Thompson & Nicholas.

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Presentation on theme: "Revitalizing the Local Economy: TIF Districts, Business Districts, and Other Development Tools Presented by: David J. Silverman Mary Thompson & Nicholas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revitalizing the Local Economy: TIF Districts, Business Districts, and Other Development Tools
Presented by: David J. Silverman Mary Thompson & Nicholas Greifer The Honorable Gerald Turry Mahoney, Silverman & Cross, LLC Kane McKenna & Associates, Inc. Village President, Village of Lincolnwood 822 Infantry Drive, Suite # N. Wacker Dr., Ste N. Lincoln Ave. Joliet, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712 (815) (Main Number) (847) (Main Number) (815) (Facsimile Number) (312) (Main Number) (312) (Facsimile Number)

I PROMISE THIS WILL NOT BE AS DRAMATIC AS THE FEIGNING HAMLET - BUT RATHER LIGHTER AND FLEETING LIKE JAQUES IN “AS YOU LIKE IT” WHEN HE SAYS Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head

3 TIF is a municipal financial incentive tool created by the Illinois State Legislature in 1978 to assist communities and implement sound economic development.

Is the TIF Underwater? Is a Portion of the TIF Completed but Some Areas are Still Floundering. Is the Term of the TIF Not Enough To Induce Incoming Projects

Is there still a “but for”? Will the area benefit from a TIF designation? What is the current condition or past history? To induce industrial projects… To induce commercial/retail projects… To induce residential projects

An “Underwater” TIF occurs when the current EAV is lower than when the Redevelopment Project Area was originally formed and adopted. For the most part – underwater TIFs were simultaneous with the downturn in the economy and the devaluing of property.

7 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Evaluate the RPA as a whole
Determine if any part is performing Can current debt obligations be met? Decide if a reasonable return can be attained with potential development projects.

South Holland – Gateway Lansing – Bernice Rosemont – TIFs 6 & 7 Bellwood – Richton Park

Is there a “but for”? What effect will the TIF have on other taxing districts? What type of developments should be funded? What resources are available to the municipality? How does the estimate of incremental taxes compare to the costs to develop?

10 IMPLEMENTATION Follow Normal Statutory Process
Determine Boundaries – Added and/or Deleted Property Reaffirm Qualification Criteria Meet with Taxing Districts Prepare Development Proformas

11 Final Thoughts TIF is a means to an end (solving the problem).
Community acceptance of use of TIF requires front end community participation. Level of TIF assistance must be justified based on rate of return analysis. Communication of use of TIF is essential.

12 Amending TIF Redevelopment Plans 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-5(c)
Changes to a Redevelopment Plan which require a formal process: add additional parcels of property substantially affect the general land uses substantially change the nature of the redevelopment project increase the estimated redevelopment project costs by more than 5% after adjustment for inflation add additional redevelopment project costs to the itemized list of redevelopment project increase the number of inhabited residential units to be displaced from the redevelopment project area to a total of more than 10

13 Process for these Changes
Municipality provides notice Must convene a Joint Review Board Conduct a public hearing

14 Changes to Redevelopment Plan which do not require a formal process
All other changes Must give notice by mail to each affected Taxing District and Registrants on Interested Parties Registry

15 Informational Change Notice Requirements
By mail – certified recommended, but not required By publication Both must be done within ten (10) days after the change

16 How to Amend the Redevelopment Plan
The Redevelopment Plan amendment is accomplished by an ordinance approving an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan. If property is added or deleted, all three (3) TIF ordinances must be amended.

17 TIF ISN’T THE ONLY GAME The New Enterprise Zones
All current EZ areas will expire December 31, 2014. Re-apply using the new parameters Multi-jurisdictional Labor Market Area Study

Cook County Classification Incentives Special County Classification Considerations Business Districts

Often non-home rule communities Boundaries Eligibility Criteria Retail / Commercial projects Supportive retailers Overlaying a Business District with Other Incentives (TIF or County)

20 Consideration for Incentives
Economic Impact Jobs Investments in property and equipment Fiscal Impact Revenues for taxing bodies Property or sales tax incentives not abated Sales tax Utility tax Other Stimulus for Additional Projects Will this project bring others? Gap Analysis What do they need to locate here?

21 Property Tax Abatements
When to consider Property Tax Abatements: Property does not quality for Tax Increment Financing A shorter term incentive will cover the “gap” Sales tax or other incentives are not appropriate

22 Property Tax Abatements (Non-Enterprise Zones)
- Majority vote of governing body - Level I – 10 years - $4 million - Expansions may be for a longer term - Level II – if 500 acres or a high impact business with acres; 20 years - $12 million - Other user specific amounts available

23 Tax Abatement Agreements – The Basics
Tax Abatement Agreements should include: Authority for the Agreement/Incentive Expectations – Define what the developer must do to receive benefits Length of the Incentive Amount of the Incentive Time of Project Completion Source of Funds for the Incentive Operating Covenants – Claw Backs

24 Sales Tax Agreements 65 ILCS 5/8-11-20
Home Rule – Public Purpose Rule Non Home Rule -vacant property -buildings not in compliance or underutilized -promotes development of the area -financial strength of developer -strengthen commercial base -enhance tax base -best interest of municipality -without agreement, project not possible

25 Other Municipal Tools Abatements of other local taxes Permit fees
Use of municipal property Streamlined process Business districts Enterprise zones

26 Tax Increment Financing Intergovernmental Agreement
Meeting with taxing bodies Ideally prior to Joint Review Board Taxing bodies acknowledge the TIF is appropriate and covenant not to challenge Municipality promises to declare a “surplus” Surplus returned to all taxing bodies

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