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Protecting the Shore through…

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting the Shore through…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting the Shore through…
Strategic Land Conservation Sound Land Use Planning

2 What the Eastern Shore wants…
Vibrant and well defined towns; Thriving farms, forests, and fisheries; and, Protected scenic, historic, and natural landscapes.

3 What the Eastern Shore is getting…
Increasing pace of development; New expansion area for major metropolitan builders; Exploding towns.

4 What the Eastern Shore Is Saying..
87% of Shore residents: “very concerned” or “concerned” about the the rate and type of growth. 6 out of 10 county residents: managing growth was the most important issue. 82% of County residents: if current rates and type of growth continue, quality of life will deteriorate 71% of County residents: gave the County government a “poor” or “just fair” rating for handling growth

5 Where We Are Headed…?

6 Cecil County in Context: Housing
(this information is from the MD Dept of Planning)


8 Cecil County in Context: Protected Lands
(data from ESLC task force work on ES 2010, goal 1)

9 Cecil County in Context: Farmland Loss
(data from the Md Ag Land Preservation Foundation)

10 County Ag Zoning County Ag Zoning Caroline 1:20 Cecil 1:8, 1:5
Dorchester Kent 1:30 QA Talbot

11 Land Preservation & Development Trends in Cecil County
More acreage preserved than converted in last 10 years, but still losing 2.5 acres of agricultural land a day Majority of building lots approved each year are in the rural parts of the County, not the growth corridor

12 Eastern Shore 2010 Protect 50% of Eastern Shore land outside of locally-designated growth by voluntary conservation. Build support for agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. Guide at least 50% of new development into locally-designated growth areas. Develop a regional transportation plan..

13 Land Protection Goals Cecil County – 55,000 acres

14 Growth Management Goals

15 Where Do We Go From Here? Growth management tools
Determine how, when and where we grow Protect our working farms Create a better future for existing neighborhoods Protect our communities, the economy and our environment Provide choices and opportunities for everyone.

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