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Writing Algebraic Expressions

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1 Writing Algebraic Expressions
Lesson 4

2 Warm Up OBJECTIVE: SWBAT write algebraic expressions using grouping symbols and the phrase less than. As well as write written expressions from algebraic expressions. Language Objective: SWBAT speak with a partner about translations between algebra and English. Sally made 20 more shots than Kevin, k. Write an algebraic expression to represent how many shots Sally made. k+20 20+k or 2) Damon bought a bin of 68 sour candies. He ate c candies. Write an algebraic expression to represent how many candies Damon has left. 68 – c 3) What were the key words that helped you write the algebraic expressions for the problems above? Agenda

3 Marvin’s Math Launch- Marvin’s Math Pick a number, add two,
multiply by five. Let’s get a few volunteers. What number did you pick? What was your result? What did you do first? What did you do second? Now everyone, let’s use the same number 18. Agenda Agenda 3

4 Marvin’s Math Explore- Marvin’s Math: Part 1 Pick a number , add two
, multiply by five. What was everyone’s result using 18? Great! Everyone’s response is 100. This is my numerical expression using the number 18. Turn and talk: Is Marvin’s expression correct? Explain your reasoning. Agenda Agenda 4

5 Explore- Marvin’s Math: Part 1
Turn and talk: Is Marvin’s expression correct? No! What do we need to do in order to make this expression equal 100? Hint Numerical Expression. Agenda

6 Explore- Marvin’s Math: Part 1
Pick a number, add two, multiply by five. Numerical Expression If 10 is picked If 1 is picked Our goal is to write this as an Algebraic Expression. Agenda

7 Explore- Marvin’s Math: Part 1 Algebraic Expression
Our next goal is to write this as an Written Expression. Let’s break it down into 2 parts. How do you think we should write as a written expression? The word sum prompts you to add first. The sum of a number and two. Next we combine the two parts. The sum of a number and two, times five. Agenda

8 OBJECTIVE ALERT Practice problems Explore- Marvin’s Math: Part 1
Algebraic Expression Written Expression The sum of a number and two, times five. Practice problems Ex. 1 Write a for written expression The sum of a number and four, divided by ten Ex. 2 Write an for algebraic expression Four times the difference of a number and six or Agenda

9 Explore –Marvin's Math: Part 2
Marvin knows 30 fewer math tricks than his friend. Here is the showing the number of tricks Marvin knows. written expression 30 less than x Here are 2 possible Algebraic Expressions. a) b) Which is correct? Lets go back to our basics to figure it out… Agenda

10 20 50 - 30 42 72 - 30 26 56 - 30 x - 30 Explore –Marvin's Math: Part 2
1. What is 30 less than 50? What did you do to get your answer? 2. What is 30 less than 72? 42 3. What is 30 less than 56? 26 Turn and Talk: When you see “less than” in a written expression, what is important? 4. What is 30 less than x? x - 30 Agenda

11 30 less than x a) b) Explore –Marvin's Math: Part 2
Marvin knows 30 fewer math tricks than his friend. Here is the written expression showing the number of tricks Marvin knows. 30 less than x Here are 2 possible Algebraic Expressions. a) b) Correct Answer Agenda

12 Practice- Class Work Class Work Lesson 4
Name__________________ Date____________ Class Work Lesson 4 1) Directions: Write an algebraic expression for each. Let’s do the first one together. a) five less than three times a number b) eight less than the quotient of a number and two c) nine times the sum of a number and fifteen d) The sum of twice a number and seven f) A number less than twenty five e) one plus the product of a number and five g) The sum of half a number and four h) seven less than a third of the sum of a number and two 2) Directions: Write two written expression for each. Use the key vocabulary. a) b) Agenda

13 Practice- Class Work Class work lesson 4
Name__________________ Date____________ Class work lesson 4 1) Directions: Write an algebraic expression for each. Let’s do the first one together. a) five less than three times a number b) eight less than the quotient of a number and two c) nine times the sum of a number and fifteen d) The sum of twice a number and seven Important!!!! Identify the operation(s) by underlining key words. f) A number less than twenty five e) one plus the product of a number and five g) The sum of half a number and four h) seven less than a third of the sum of a number and two 2) Directions: Write two written expression for each. Use the key vocabulary. a) b) Agenda

14 Practice- Class Work Summary
Name__________________ Date____________ Class Work Lesson 4 1) Directions: Write an algebraic expression for each. a) Five less than three times a number b) Eight less than the quotient of a number and two c) Nine times the sum of a number and fifteen d) The sum of twice a number and seven e) One plus the product of a number and five f) A number less than twenty five h) Seven less than a third of the sum of a number and two g) The sum of half a number and four 2) Directions: Write two written expression for each. Use the key vocabulary. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Agenda

15 Assessment-Exit Slip A number less than nine
Write an algebraic expression for Three times the sum of a number and eight 2) Write a written expression for the algebraic expression using less than. A number less than nine 3) Write an algebraic expression for Ten less than the sum of a six and a number Agenda

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