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Biology: Tissues, Organs, and Systems of Living Things

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Presentation on theme: "Biology: Tissues, Organs, and Systems of Living Things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology: Tissues, Organs, and Systems of Living Things


3 A Short History Lesson Robert Hooke (1665) first discovered cells - cork Schwann and Schleiden (1838) first hypothesized that all organisms are composed of cells First to distinguish between plant and animal cells 3

4 It has been estimated that there are 10 times more cells in the human body than stars in the Milky Way.

5 Cell Theory All living things composed of cells
Cells are basic unit of living organisms All cells come from existing cells

6 Cell Theory The Human body is estimated to have 100 trillion cells.
Cells are specialized to perform various tasks. Examples: Nerve Cells transmit electrochemical messages. Muscle Cells contract. All cells: Digest nutrients Excrete wastes Reproduce

7 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic


9 Prokaryotic Cells No internal compartments No organelles
1-celled organisms Eg. bacteria

10 Prokaryotic Cells Smaller DNA located in nucleoid region
May not need O2

11 Eukaryotic Cells Have internal compartments Have organelles
1-celled or multi- celled organisms Eg. Plant cell

12 Eukaryotic Cells Larger cells DNA located in the nucleus
Usually need O2

13 Ticket out of Class! On a scrap piece of paper provided answer the following question: Are your cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Explain. Hand the paper in, with your name on it Homework: Textbook Page 32 Questions 1 and 3 13

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