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Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter

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1 Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter
January 7, 2018 Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter Upcoming Dates Jan. 10- “Save the Eagle Day”, STEM Night 6:00-7:30. Jan. 11- Media Center presents “Movie & Popcorn Jan. 15- National Hat Day” Students may donate $1 to wear a hat. Jan. 16- Math Challenge-Grades 1-5 Jan. 18- $1.00 PTSO Popcorn & Coke Jan. 21- Holiday (Martin Luther King Day) Jan. 24- PTSO 7:00 pm. Jan. 31- PBIS will provide a “Cookie Celebration” Tests and Quizzes Math-Unit 4B-Jan. 16 Science-Unit 4-Jan. 25 Word Study- Jan. 11 Word Study Our vocabulary words will look a little different for this nine weeks. We will be using vocabulary terms from our novel study of Bridge to Terabithia. The words will change WEEKLY based on the chapters we are reading in class. Chapters 1-2 despised grit puny scalding anticipation allotted hypocritical Make sure your child is reading EVERY NIGHT! Reading Logs are due each FRIDAY!! We Are Learning About… Math- Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Science-Plants and Animal Cells, Beneficial and Harmful Microorganisms Reading- Visual Elements in Text; Graphic Novels Novel- Bridge to Terabithia Grammar and Writing-Persuasive/Opinion; Language Arts-Verbs Social Studies-Cold War Thank you for your donations for the Christmas Party and your generous gifts. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. We enjoyed time with our families and we hope you enjoyed the holidays with yours. Rising Star Junior Clinic for ages 5-14 (Coordinator Robert Brown ). Dates: Jan 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb 7, 14 Time: 5:15-6:16 pm Location: Rincon Y Tennis Courts Cost: 6 sessions for $60 or $15 per day. Join Tennis Stars of Georgia on Facebook to keep up to date on tennis opportunities for kids in Effingham. Join “Tennis Happenings” on or to to find out about open courts, clinics, round robins, etc. (Coach Knight from SEMS manages this page.) There are many certified tennis coaches in the area that offer private, semi-private, and group lessons. Message “Tennis Happenings” for more information. Coming in spring 2019, Junior Team Tennis (JTT) for beginners to intermediate players. Specials Schedule for the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday E-Art E-Technology E-Media E-PE E-PE H-PE H-Art H-Technology H-PE H-Music

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