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The Cold War Timeline Put 2 or 3 pieces of paper together to create a timeline Create a timeline and put the following dates on it 20 points Label and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War Timeline Put 2 or 3 pieces of paper together to create a timeline Create a timeline and put the following dates on it 20 points Label and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War Timeline Put 2 or 3 pieces of paper together to create a timeline Create a timeline and put the following dates on it 20 points Label and explain what happened on that date or dates concerning the Cold War (communism vs. capitalism) Pages Must include 4 illustrations (total) On the next slide write down the dates and titles and write a summary of each in your notebook before you begin your timeline

2 Timeline Dates 1945 End of WWII 1949 Germany Divided
1949 Berlin Airlift 1959 Revolution in Cuba Korean War 1949 Mao Zedong leads Revolution in China 1961 Berlin Wall built 1964 U.S. enters Vietnam War 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1975 U.S. loses War in Vietnam 1979 Afghanistan 1991 Soviet Union Collapses ? Berlin Wall is brought down

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