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Draw a line 7 cm down Cut.

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Presentation on theme: "Draw a line 7 cm down Cut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draw a line 7 cm down Cut

2 Make a tiny mark about halfway across


4 Remind me- what’s a molecule?
Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules In Cells X Carbohydrates Proteins Remind me- what’s a molecule? Draw a simple cell Title Cut Name of 4 Molecules And what’s an atom?

5 ta-da! Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules Carbohydrates In Cells
C27H46O (cholesterol) Important Molecules In Cells X Carbohydrates Proteins ta-da!

6 Def. Functions Nucleic Acids Important In Cells Carbohydrates Proteins
A lipid is a fat molecule. They resist water. Lipids store energy and compose the cell membrane. Nucleic Acids Important X In Cells Carbohydrates Proteins

7 Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules Carbohydrates In Cells
C27H46O (cholesterol) Important Molecules In Cells X Carbohydrates Proteins CDH1

8 Def. Functions Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules Carbohydrates
C27H46O (cholesterol) Important Molecules In Cells X Carbohydrates Def. Functions

9 Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules Carbohydrates In Cells
C27H46O (cholesterol) C5H5N5O Important Molecules In Cells X Carbohydrates Proteins C6H12O6 CDH1

10 Def. Functions Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules In Cells
C27H46O (cholesterol) Important Molecules In Cells X Proteins CDH1 Def. Functions

11 Lipids Nucleic Acids Important Molecules Carbohydrates In Cells
C27H46O (cholesterol) C5H5N5O Important Molecules In Cells X Carbohydrates Proteins C6H12O6 CDH1

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