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Radiometric Dating Half-life.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiometric Dating Half-life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiometric Dating Half-life

2 Radioactivity Radioactive Isotopes are unstable and emit/capture elemental particles, causing them to change over time. Parent isotope – the original radioactive element Daughter isotope – the decay product; what the parent changes into

3 Half Life The time it takes for EXACTLY HALF of the unstable, parent isotope to decay. This decay occurs at a CONSTANT RATE. The half life is NOT affected by: Time Concentration of parent isotopes Heat/pressure Breakage/Crushing

4 Decay 100% parent 50 % parent 2 half lives 1 half life 50% daughter
25% original parent 6.25% parent 75% daughter 12.5% parent 4 half-lives 93.75% daughter 87.5% daughter 3 half-lives

5 Decay Table 1 2 3 4 Half Lives elapsed % parent remaining
% daughter created 1 2 3 4

6 Decay 100 % 75% 50% % of Original Parent 25% 0% HALF LIVES

7 Types of Decay Alpha Decay – an atom emits 2 protons and 2 neutrons
Atomic number and mass decrease

8 Types of Decay Beta decay – a neutron breaks into a proton and an electron…the electron is emitted atomic # ↑, atomic mass unchanged

9 Types of Decay Electron capture – one electron is captured by the nucleus Atomic number increases by 1

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