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Unit Two Vocabulary Week Ten.

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1 Unit Two Vocabulary Week Ten

2 auspices (noun) sponsorship/patronage
Many race cars are driven under the auspices large donors. .

3 clandestine (adjective)
secretive The government funds many clandestine operations.

4 fervid (adjective) burning with enthusiasm

5 foment (verb) incite/stir-up

6 hiatus (noun) short break
Please take a hiatus while the network addresses technical difficulties.

7 reticent (adjective) hesitant/reserved

8 solicitous (adjective)
helpful/concerned A good nurse is always solicitous.

9 temerity (noun) nerve/gall

10 vestige (noun) a trace of what was/an echo
After the tornado, only a vestige of the town remained.

11 vindicate (verb) justify a position/prove right

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